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Would you re-elect Bush if...


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..the following were true?


"I was especially surprised to find

that some of the biggest tax breaks for the

rich are not even in the tax code, and that

the IRS was completely unaware of many

widely used tax fraud schemes. But what

surprised me more than anything was the

realization that our tax system now levies the

poor, the middle class and even the upper

middle class to subsidize the rich."


-David Cay Johnston

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Well,I see someone else has figured it out,too....




(pssst; it's been going on since Reagan's tax "reform" of 1986,the most massive transfer ever(until the Bush tax cuts)of wealth from the lower,middle and upper middle classes to the top 1%.)

Edited by Mtguide
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Sorry kiddo, but I believe that he's gonna be re-elected because he's done got us in to another "hearts and minds" guerrilla war, and there was a whole generation of perfectly trained American killer youth, (kill some commies for Christ and country) who were raised in the 'Rambo/SWAT' era who were just waiting to loose their skills in a fury of death. That aside, Americans hate to lose a good war, or any war, for that matter. So we'll rally behind this president and the good 'ol US of A. We'll not stop to consider that there might actually have been something to learn from past conflicts. This president will be re-elected by a landslide, because to vote otherwise would somehow imply that you are un-American. Sadly, that's the way it'll play out. "Life is unfair, and it's unfair that life is unfair." --author unknown

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Although I'd never vote for him, I also am certain he will get re-elected tongue.giftongue.gif.

Excellent article in the PI that explains why:


The S factor explains Bush's popularity

Neal Starkman, guest columnist: Millions of words have been

written as to the motivations of voters. Particularly in close

elections, as in the 2000 presidential contest, pundits and

laypeople alike have speculated on why people voted for whom.

The exit poll has been a major tool in this speculation.


* Read the full article at:


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