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The Right to Leer.


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Not only did I NOT get moderating powers, I also did NOT start the reversal of fortune on this discussion. Someone else did. I went along with it because the idea of having someone say anything negative about every dude's superhero was such anathema that it was making some of them very, very itchy. Not worth the the heartache for me, ChucKaroonie. So read this quick, before I edit it into some more inane rabblebabble.

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Originally posted by allison:

Not only did I NOT get moderating powers, I also did NOT start the reversal of fortune on this discussion. Someone else did. I went along with it because the idea of having someone say anything negative about every dude's superhero was such anathema that it was making some of them very, very itchy. Not worth the the heartache for me, ChucKaroonie. So read this quick, before I edit it into some more inane rabblebabble.

That's all right by me. Speak your mind. It's better. AND QUIT LEERING AT ME [Wink] Just put ole FB in his place if you feel the need to. Did he grab your ass [Eek!] ?

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No, Ray, he did not grab my ass....that was you grabbing my ass thinking it was ChucK's or something, you might remember that part of the evening, or you might not.


Apparently if you're not a-leering, you must be a-queerin', but just remember, my dad came to one Pub Club, and he could come to another, and well, you can 'splain it all to him.....

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Originally posted by allison:

No, Ray, he did not grab my ass....that was you grabbing my ass thinking it was ChucK's or something, you might remember that part of the evening, or you might not.


Apparently if you're not a-leering, you must be a-queerin', but just remember, my dad came to one Pub Club, and he could come to another, and well, you can 'splain it all to him.....


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