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Jim Nelson and my wife.


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So Lily and I exchanged stockings last night because we're leaving town tonight. Each year, Santa brings me a climbing widget.


The best part about the widget is that I get to imagine Lily buying the gift: Lily sure don't dig climbing (did it for a while to appease me) but every year tramps on down to Jim Nelson's shop to find something that I will be excited about.


Anyway, she walks in and talks to Jim, describes me and asks his advice on what to give. Jim may seem like one of the quietest guys around, but that doesn’t stop her from chatting him up, asking about his Christmas plans and what not. Each time she does it, she dutifully checks out the various pieces that Jim suggests and manipulates the gear. (It also has to live up to her definition of cool.). She asks a couple of questions about it, trying intently to mangle a couple of key climbing terms and then selects this year’s present.


Past years have resulted in my rack being supplemented with Loweballs (to which I am now addicted),

Micro Camalots, and the like. This year, she bought the second smallest zero cam from wild country. She refused to buy the smallest, insisting that she would never allow me to rely on something that small. Of course, I hardly ever aid climb anymore, so relying on the second smallest would also likely be catastrophic (it’s strength rating is somewhere around 4 kilonewtons – not rated for free climbing).


Jim recognizes the chance that something she gets may not actually be what I need, so he lets her know that we can take it back if its off base. This may be the first year that that may happen. Lily swears that next year, she’s just gonna grab my rack and show it to Jim in order to give him more to go on. . . .


Lily always returns and tells me how much she likes talking to Jim. I always picture a bemused expression on Jim’s face. Apparently the tradition has been going on long enough that Jim is starting to recognize her.


Anyway, Jim Nelson deserves all the business he gets grin.gif and I love my wife. . . . fruit.gif

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Funny how different this thread would appear if it were titled, "Fred Beckey and My Wife"....


Jim IS the ultimate anti-salesman. Or perhaps he is a guy's ultimate shopping assistant because he is attuned to how men buy things-- get in, get out, etc etc.


BTW, give Jim business -- avoid the temptation to head to the WalMarts of the climbing world...

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