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I noticed the side where I have the rope go thru most often is getting worn down....not uncommon. Its getting to a point where I will need to replace it pretty soon due to the edge getting too sharp. Ive only had the device for a year.


ANyone else notice such quick wear on the reverso? Or maybe I spend too much time belaying. wink.gif

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i think technique has something to do with it... as does how clean your rope is. if you keep your hand to the side of it while belaying there is much more friction... if you run it down the middle there is much less friction. the dirty rope will wear it down much much faster... imbeded particles continually rubbing the metal... also not good for the rope. just a thought. dont know what your scenario is.

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scott_harpell said:

i think technique has something to do with it... as does how clean your rope is. if you keep your hand to the side of it while belaying there is much more friction... if you run it down the middle there is much less friction. the dirty rope will wear it down much much faster... imbeded particles continually rubbing the metal... also not good for the rope. just a thought. dont know what your scenario is.


The 'dirty' rope makes sense. My rope is pretty clean...that wuz until I spent a week at smith.


Technique...not sure if I understand what you mean by "if you run it down the middle". I keep my hand on the side...and usually produce as much friction as I can. THat theory makes sense as well.


I actually didnt notice it until someone pointed it out to me. It was a good eye opener that I need to be more aware of just damage to my rope and other obvious glitches in gear.

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Reverso's are awesome devices, but they wear out. I think they are the best device for bringing a second up and it seems stupid to just use it in one venue. And technique has little to do with it. The best thing to do is to treat the Reverso like a rope. When it gets old, retire it.


I did the atc and gigi thing for a long time and I agree that if you're really worried about it, this is the way to go.



Edited by Jason_Martin
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Try the Trango B-52, feedback so far is that it works better than the Reverso, and is less prone to excessive wear. I've sold a ton of Reversos, and they continue to be very popular, but I am also hearing back from a lot of people that they wear quickly (this in Squamish, where dirty ropes are not as big a problem as Smith or Skaha).

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murraysovereign said:

Try the Trango B-52, feedback so far is that it works better than the Reverso, and is less prone to excessive wear. I've sold a ton of Reversos, and they continue to be very popular, but I am also hearing back from a lot of people that they wear quickly (this in Squamish, where dirty ropes are not as big a problem as Smith or Skaha).


So does the b52 work better for skinny ropes. That would be one reason why I chose one over the other.

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