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the crag (a rock climbing tr for chucK)


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sat am i awake with the painful desire to alleviate the cheap beer from my bowels. a steady intake of schimdddddddys, pabst, bud(and wiser) made for a slightly difficult morning. tho i will have to remark specialed's floor makes for a wonderful spot to black out on! i smell coffeee, i hear the doorbell, footsteps, gear clanking, bowls being loaded and i finally lift myself from the floor and straight for the bathroom. after freeing myself from last night, i am ready to smoke.....errr i mean climb!!!


colin has showed up and we are now debating who is to drive, being the generous person i am(and realizing that we are all poor) i offer up to drive. car packed, two more trips to the rest room and two more trips to get forgotten items, we leave the ghetto and move towards a closed 405. oops........turn, disagree, turn, agree, turn, disagree, turn and success!!!!! back on track and straight to the family grocier in beautiful goldbar, inbred hill billy shopping, a 12'r of olympia(on sale today for $5.89) some cajan horsecock and pilot bread(i think we got some fruit too?????)


parking lot time! dan is there with the dur-t white gurl, both immediatly living up to their well earned and respected titles. a sniff in the crotch, a punch in the gut and a tossed beer can!!! life is good when you got friends! the sun is bright, the air crisp and the reefer smoldering, why do people always run their mouth when partkaing????(am i guilty too??????) it is decied tha since we are all weak and sucky(well cept for colin, but he is still a kid so he has no excuse!!!!) we make for old favaorites and area classics! straight to an empty lower town! we agreee to disagree and our lawyer has to get involved in the fray to negoiate who leads what and when! the the 1st bit of intelligence arrives!! colin has forgot his harness!! and this kid went to bed early last night?? verbal abuse and torment helps tie the swami!! good thing the kid is skinny cuz we only got skinny webbing!!!!


a weak and slow dan(as always, but still mouthy!) climbs like the little bitch he is instantly making excuses! i laugh and heckle, but never appraoch midget jerk status!! top ropes set, we become what all people despise!! even the guide and his clients were trumped and had to move onto lesser waters!!!!


zilla, jap gardens, fingers, toxic, even steven, and stunning something! only two beer pit stops and a 4 groups insulted. we must be getting old!!


towards the end of the day spray becomes heavy and plans are hatched for sunday! we should go to lworth! i've got homework, i want to go alpine, i live there. we should all go to the tieton, i've got homework, i want to go alpine, i'll ask the wife. we should go alpine, i've got homework, whatca wanna do? i can't i'm climbing with the wife. with the decision made we all drive to our prespective evening plans. fried chicken and bed.


golf sure was fun yesterday! only rolled the cart once!



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