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I didn't even look at the link, but it appears you whiners are getting all up in arms about somebody selling something. Well, I'll tell you what, that's some sacred stuff here in America. You know here in America our fathers and their grandfathers etc. fought for the rights to sell stuff without government intervention. So if you're saying this guy shouldn't be able to sell stuff, then you're in the wrong place!


I MAY NOT LIKE WHAT HE'S SELLING, BUT I'LL DEFEND HIS RIGHT TO SELL IT TO THE DEATH. Perhaps not with my life, but I'll at least support sending a bunch of other sad sacks (who signed up for this by the way) out into whereever they may need to go to defend our right to sell stuff, TO THE DEATH.



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Reiterating: Site: thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifmadgo_ron.gif


Not reiterating: Chuck: rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifwazzup.gif

You need to check out the site to become aware of the reasoning behind my opinion before saying my opinion is invalid or beside the point of Free Enterprise in this case.


But, if you were being sarcastic, then I guess all I have to say is moon.gif

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I am not saying that game is in good taste...


but what exactly makes that so offensive?


Are you guys offended by Titantic (the movie), a recreation of a bunch of real people dying? Big moneymaker too. Or perhaps the continuing "raising the Titantic stuff"? Fortune-hunters pillaging an underwater graveyard? More $$.


How about something like that old game Missle Command, a game that toyed with the idea of nuclear annihilation?


Is that game more offensive that the TV show Cops? How about those "faces of death" videos?


Food for thought HCL.gif

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because... when you get to a certain level, you have to decide whether you brun alive or you jump to your death. kinda trivializes the whole matter dontchya think? rolleyes.gif anyways, if you made a video game about titanic it would be equally morbid. Films document, and game entertain. Where please tell me is the entertainment in trivializing the deaths of 1000's for entertainment purposes especially when it happened such a short time ago?

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snoboy said:

babnik said:Films document, and game entertain.


Yeah, I heard "Titanic" was up for some prizes in the documentary category. rolleyes.gif


gradient. it is not either one or the other. is the game anything but entertainment? no. is the movie at least informing of events that did and might have occured? yes.

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