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Not that I'd do this, but...


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dru, appys are a specific breed. the spot pattern common in appaloosas is present in a few other breeds but does not occur in most. sure it's theoretical that spots could occur in any breed based on a random genetic mutation but when was the last time you saw a thoroughbred racehorse with spots?


but back to the subject. guns are bad and should be kept hidden from view wink.gif


i still stand my assertion that if horses should be extinguished from the landscape then so should all domestic pack animals. further, i still believe that humans are far more destructive than horses. i'm pretty sure that horses don't burn fossil fuels or leave plastic in the wilderness tongue.gif

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stating humans are more destructive then horeses is dumb logic. of course we are, what does that prove? um nothing. horses in a relative manner or more destructive. they provide nothing to the local enviroment in which they are impacting. they create huge amounts of soil erosion, water pollution and introduce foregin invasive plant species. they tramp where they want and packs of them force out other local animals, deers and other types of animals like this that are natural to the local enviroment are pushed out. horses bring illnesses that do not occur in other non domesticated animals.


i still think they are worthless animals and like monster trucks are just an extension of the person who owns, them lack of.


they are glue, they are dog food.



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erik, you're right but i thought you'd be clever enough to get the connection. we're not going to get rid of either humans or horses. maybe i'm not thinking enough but how do deer provide for the local environment? or elk? there are very few packs of horses left in the wild. herds of domestic horses are seldom roaming the same areas non domesticated animals. by your logic cattle grazing is a much bigger threat than horses. i have no problem with the restriction of the use of horses in wilderness areas simply b/c they are more destructive than other pack animals.


well i don't have a monster truck....


they shouldn't be dogfood b/c clearly we should have domestic canines either

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The son of Mars, Diomedes of fiery fame, ruled in the land beyond the Gate, and there he raised the horses and the mares of war, upon the marshes of his land. Wild were these horses and fierce the mares and all men trembled at their sound, for they ravaged up and down the land, wreaking great damage, killing all the sons of men who crossed their path, and breeding steadily most wild and evil horses.


"Capture these mares, and stop these evil deeds," was the command which fell upon the ears of Hercules. "Go, rescue this far land and those who live upon it."


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