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My opinion is that N. Korea is too unpredictable to fuck with. Even though the homo that runs that country knows if he ever lobs a nuke at us, we'll turn his country into a glass parking lot, I think he's crazy enuf. to do it anyway. Truly a scary sumbitch. He definitely needs to be erased...where's Arnold when we need him?

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i think the more likely threat would be to s. korea or japan or another such nation. but this is an argument against a pre-emptie strike yah? i doubt if we went after n korea hard and fast, they would still be capable of touching us, but some of their neighbors? that is much more likely. it is hard to argue though that n. korea needs some ahem "restructuring." if you wanna talk human rights violations, WMD and pollitical instability, there it is. what is the death toll in n. korea for hunger alone? 2-3 million?

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what do you think the U.S.'s relationship is gonna be with other nations after this fiasco. i seriously doubt our asistance will be granted 'pro-bono' as we just got the serious cold shoulder. the watered down UN is being held together with papier machee and being hit with fire hoses. is restructuring possible? or are nations going to have to craete pacts, and treaties as they go so-to-speak? this a definite turning point in terms of international-cooperation. if terrorist hits france, will the U.S. step up? or will the U.S. go back to it's inter-war style international politics. i am very curious about this. perhaps, instead of curious, we should be scared. if the radical islamists sense the break-up of the unity, it will be blood in the water. faq. aint lookin too good for da future eh? hellno3d.gif

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trask said:

I think we need to clean up our mess in Iraq, first and foremost.


Agreed. I was against us going in there from the very beginning (we should have stayed focused on Afghanistan) but now that we're in this situation, we need to do it right. Get the infrastructure working, take care of the insurgents and get these people governing themselves. Even after the lousy way this has all been handled, we still have a change to foster some serious international and middle eastern good will if we can do this right. From recent observations, I'm not optimistic, though.


And bring our men and women home!

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middle eastern good will


i think there is little of this for western culture.


And bring our men and women home!


after they finish their duty. whether or not they should have been there in the first place, shit has to be completely played out. we dont need another 1991.

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trask said:

I'm really distressed that the government wants to cut combat pay. Now that's just not right. Hell, they should double a combat soldier's pay in time of war. Another case of "What the hell are they thinking?"


Add that to the cuts to the already miniscule veterans' benefits. The soldiers get the shaft in the field and again when they get home. madgo_ron.gif

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