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reminds me of a joke:


An American was visiting London and after walking around all day he really had to take a leak. Not finding a public restroom, he decided to go down an alley and do his business there.

Just as he was starting to unzip a Boby came along and said" Right....wots going on here?.


The man said, "I really have to take a leak, and I couldn't find a public restroom."


" Come with me " said the bobby, "I'll show you where you can take a wiz," leading the man down the street a few yards.


They came to a beautiful garden with pretty green grass, lots of flowers and neatly trimmed hedges. Pointing to a bush the bobby said," here you go do your business right here sir."


The gentleman looked around and thought ok, if he says so. He unzipped his pants and started to wiz, looking back at the bobby he said," Is this the usual British hospitality?"


"No sir says the bobby, It's the French embassy."




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lummox said:

reminds me of a joke:


An American was visiting London and after walking around all day he really had to take a leak. Not finding a public restroom, he decided to go down an alley and do his business there.

Just as he was starting to unzip a Boby came along and said" Right....wots going on here?.


The man said, "I really have to take a leak, and I couldn't find a public restroom."


" Come with me " said the bobby, "I'll show you where you can take a wiz," leading the man down the street a few yards.


They came to a beautiful garden with pretty green grass, lots of flowers and neatly trimmed hedges. Pointing to a bush the bobby said," here you go do your business right here sir."


The gentleman looked around and thought ok, if he says so. He unzipped his pants and started to wiz, looking back at the bobby he said," Is this the usual British hospitality?"


"No sir says the bobby, It's the French embassy."




LOL! yelrotflmao.gif

Trask, you just got your thunder stolen!!! hahaha.gif

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