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The Dolomites are BORING!


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Oops, I mean COOL! Three days, four routes. Based in Canazei. FUCKING AWESOME. Where else do you find 26 pitch 5.6s(no, we didn't climb it)? UNBELIEVABLE! We got used to the rock and the climbing after three days, then we had to leave, so we didn't get to do anything hard.


We did some arete thing and the Trenker Crack on the First Sella Tower, then the Mariakante on Pitz Pordoi, and then the Little Micheluzzi on some wall that I forgot the name of.


Now I'm stuck in Dresden, bored. But if you have the chance, go to the Dolomites! bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

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jja said:

show me the pictures !!


I will, once I've got them. It'll be a few weeks.


Dru: I was about to, but then I had to leave. Sorry.


Erik: Nope, very solid limestone, though it looks like choss. The best jugs (no, the other kind, Trask) I've ever held! thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif

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