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Three friends and I will fly there late this month/early next month for climbing and don't know shit. Anybody have beta? Good crags? good long routes? good faces waiting for ascents? Good camping?We won't have a car unless there is a loaner at the airport. (good ways to get a car?)




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This is what you'll see when you land at the airport:




The airport is in Hagensborg, 10 or 15 miles up the valley from Bella Coola. There isn't much in the way of facilities there, but perhaps a half mile or mile away there is grocery store accross the road from a hotel with a cafe. There is also a park that is FULL of mosquito's and I believe there was some kind of commercial campground nearby as well. We found mosquito-free camping at a park down at the bottom of the valley, a mile beyond Bella Coola -- there was a saltwater breeze that really helped a lot (I think the sign said it was "day use only" there, however).


There is big granite all over the place within about five or ten miles of the airport, both north and south facing, and I think there is some description of a few climbs in the area in one of the BC rock climbing guides -- perhaps the "inland" one or whatever it is.


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its real good and there are at least dozens of routes and the guidebook is WAAAAY out of date (ok it never was in date) so dont claim anything as a FA unless you can find some locals in the know.


you can walk to Snootli Express from the airport in about 1 hour. nice 15 pitch 10b slab climb. runout city. take a #3 Camalot for the 11th pitch.

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snoboy said:

2 things -


1) Ask dru.


2) Get a copy of Central BC Rock.


3, actually, have fun. smile.gif


So snoboy...I think you really want to say

2 things -


1) Ask dru.


2) Get a copy of Central BC Rock.


3, actually, have fun. smile.gif

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