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Trip Report: Fear and Loathing at the Latona Pub


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We had a great Pub Club turnout, with over 20 CC.com contributers in attendance. Many beerverages were consumed, many tall tales of triumph and tragedy were told. Wand length, stuffed snakes, and the herbal inversion at Muir were among the many topics discussed. AlpineK waxed eloquent on the joys of telemarking, and how this most pure form of skiing makes you feel closer to nature. Dwayner showed off his new "Sick Dyno X-tra Cush" bouldering crash pad he got for Christmas. Panther demonstrated how to make x-rated origami. Snowmuncher was 86ixed the establishment.

Despite Dwayner's pleas, the venerable Cascade Climbers Pub Club was a veritable snausage fest. We're talking more bratwurst per square meter than an Oktoberfest picnic in Worth-Leavin. Fortunately, the lovely Jules showed up, gracing us with her feminine presence. Icegirl was a no-show. Perhaps her bike got a flat tire when she ran over a Red Spiny Star on the way to the pub?

A few intrepid CC-ers triend valiently to improve the 20:1 male/female ratio by engaging three luminescent betties at a nearby table. ChrisW's cool climbing game http://home1.gte.net/res0fc86/climbing_wall.jpg was a slick ice breaker. The first vixen had never climbed before, but onsighted a tough route up the NW corner of the 2 foot plastic tower. She was ecstatic. It looked like they were going to join us for some beers until Dave started talking about fist jamming. "It can be a little painful at first, but once you get used to it, it feels really solid." I'm not sure why, but suddenly she acted all offended, and her and alluring friends left in a huff, muttering something about perversions?!?

A couple of CC.com contributors made the fatal error of inviting their significant others along to meet some of their climbing buddies. I saw the shock and horror spread across the faces of those significant others as it slowly dawned on them that these cretins were the very people they were entrusting their loved one's lives to each and every weekend. After an evening observing the hard-drinking freaks, felons, and various miscreants of CC.com, those Cascade Climbers were summarily banned from climbing ever again. Very sad. We wish you guys well! Practice that golf swing!

Til next week....

[ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: Uncle Tricky ]

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Disclaimer: All content contained in Pub Club Trip Reports including persons, places, conversations and faces represented are purely fictional and should not be construed as literal or even figurative representations of sober reality. All impressions and memories conveyed therein are skewed through a small foggy window of booze, THC and private psychosis. Trip reports have been modified from their original form to fit your screen, and have been edited for the sake of time and offensive content. May cause perspiration, constipation, nausea, vomiting, diarreah, nervousness, difficulties in urination, dizziness, drowsiness, sleeplessness and sexual dysfunction. Do not operate heavy machinery while reading. Do not read if you are currently taking antihypertensive or antidepressent drugs except under the advice and consent of your alter ego.

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Originally posted by Dwayner:
"I think we should nominate Uncle Tricky as offical CC.com Pub Scribe.
What! Mine weren't funny enough for you? Fine! Let "Uncle Tricky" do it while I go get my comedy transplant.
rolleyes.gif" border="0
- "Dwayne" (I'm only "Dwayner" when I'm funny.)

Dwayner, sweet Dwayner, never meant to offend you. So, at the risk of offending Tricky, I divide my vote. Of course, if I lived in Florida, I could vote twice. Or just turn in a ballot with semi-pregnant chads.

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And did my new pal, Trickey, stoke your ego by suggesting that any of you were accompanied by Keanu Reeves, Michelle Pfeiffer or Brad Pitt? No he did not. wink.gif" border="0 Did I ever save you the embarrassment of not mentioning which of you (and there are several) show up wearing gaitors and with quickdraws hanging from your belt, in your desperation to attract the ladies? Yes I did. Brother Trickey's description of the spirited, yet feeble, attempt to hit on the three nearby Betty's by three excited cc.com boys, however, was, in my opinion, a very well-written and accurate description of that amusing event (amusing to those watching, that is.)

- Dwayne [big Drink][big Drink][big Drink]

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Originally posted by Uncle Tricky:

A couple of CC.com contributors made the fatal error of inviting their significant others along to meet some of their climbing buddies. I saw the shock and horror spread across the faces of those significant others as it slowly dawned on them that these cretins were the very people they were entrusting their loved one's lives to each and every weekend. After an evening observing the hard-drinking freaks, felons, and various miscreants of CC.com, those Cascade Climbers were summarily banned from climbing ever again. Very sad. We wish you guys well! Practice that golf swing!

Til next week....

[ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: Uncle Tricky ]

Hah! Jane thought you were the only cretin Uncle Tricky! [Wazzup]

And banned from climbing? Why I spent a beautiful day climbing at Index today.

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First of all, Bronco looked like a prize fighter after dueling it out with Libra Crack. Blood all over the place! Hats off to you Bronco! The best part was after a few of us doing battle with it, Danimal santers up wearing jeans and a black leather jacket looking like Steve Mcqueen and then making it look easy. Yowza!

You should have seen Dr. Jay lead Breakfast of Champions! Burly! It was dripping wet and clamy, but man those hand jams are solid once you get past the inital moves. The constant drip drip drip didn't excactly inspire confidence, but hey, it was a Thursday in the second week in January and we were climbing! I'd rather be scratching my way up some wet crack then climbing in warm gym, or worse, sitting in some cubicle! [laf]

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