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I'm in... next three weeks are really hecktik... and unless ya are into climbing the collums at 6am, I probably wont climb with ya, but I'm always game for drinkin...

the steal-head is good but no pool tables,

goodtimes is awsome, I frequent that place offtin, and they gots alot of beers and free pool on monday after 8,

I've been 86ed from a few so Joe's is out, john hennery's is out, they closed the cheerful tortis so i'm safe there, wetlands is out, and divas(hotbodies) is out...

I only seam to get routy and get 86ed when I drink Tequila, so don't let me have any!!! bigdrink.gif

Edited by Fejas

Who's got the woody tucked in their garage? Anybody?

When should we try to get together? I'm usually at Max's on Thurday (an other) evenings for a pint, and I wouldn't mind doing the dawn patrol at the columns once in a while.


where is Max's @? they got pool tables there? It is usually a requirement when I drink, to play pool that is... come to think about it that is the main reason I go out to the pub... fuck, I can drink beer at home... speeking of beer how many they got on tap @ Max's?


Max's is on 13th near campus. It's been there forever. There was an article about it in Maxim (feb issue) that said that Max's is one of the bars that Moe's tavern on the Simpsons is modeled after. Fucking great place. Just head toward campus and look for the hole in the wall with the Harleys parked out front. As far as bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif on tap goes, not too many. But there are some really good pool players down there.


I'm game for max's...

Goodtime has somethin like 30 beers on tap, two of which are TG's, which is by far the best IPA I ever had... outdoor drinkin, out door pool, pinball, a hot bar tender named amy with big tits yellaf.gif she even got the same last name as me, no relation... its really close to the collums...

Not that i'm tryin to talk the place up or any thing, but like I said, I'm game for anything... bigdrink.gif


I used to hang out at Good Times a few years ago when I was cooking across the street. That place is like 3 blocks from my place, I'm very familiar with it. Either is good for me. I'll probably go down to Max's this evening.


I'm game! My schedule sux though, I work at 0400 in the morning fri-mon. If you have it on one of those daze, I might not get to stay long as I go to bed at about 2000 the night before. I really like hanging at Good Times, like the Steelhead too it is really close to home, Max's I have never been to but wouldn't mind checking it out. LET'S DRINK! bigdrink.gif


how bout tomarrow night, I get payed thursdays, plus one of my bros has never been down there either, and we're hangin tomarrow... I gots ta fix up my guest room for the up comin weekends, and i'll be workin tonight...

Anna, whats your friday, I'm down ta drink on weekdays, so if ya want ta tie one on, and not have ta get up at 400am, we can schedual accordingly....



Allright! Sounds like we might have a scene going on! I'll probl'y go tonight AND tomorrow. I usually go solo and have one pint, but if I'm gonna be joined by some more peeps, I can stay longer.


how late ya guys think ya'll be there tonight?


but I'll meet BH down there tomarrow if yer game....


if ya see a short fat fucker with a big hairy pussy attached to his chin you'll know its me.... yellaf.gif


uh, where tonight? I can certianly drink tonight, but I am flying to Orcas Island tomorrow morning early if the weather is good...so not too much alcohol! I am in Portland now..flew up to have lunch with the sis (man, thats tight!) and will be returning to Eugene in a couple of hours.


tisck tisck tisck crazy.gif I thought you weren't suspose to have any alcohal 24hrs before flying, isn't it against the law confused.gif... Max's though, i think posted above i think...


Nice Fejas. Classy! cantfocus.gif

I actually can't make it tonight, but I'll be there tomorrow; Max's that is. Look for a big gimp with glasses and a face that looks like a porkchop with features.

It'll be interesting to meet youz guyz and gal? Anna?

Hopefully Ryland can make it. If I'm correct he did Denali and summited earlier this year. Hardcore. I get winded taking a dump. Seriously, I hope we all meet and have fun. I'll be there Thrusday night around 6-7



Max's is on 13th next to Little's Market down the street from the Bijou. there's usually a few Harleys parked out front. None of you have been there? That's crazy. I signed up for the paycheck docking plan. Every 2 wks or so the keyboard player for the Daddies plays on Fri nights with his band "100% chips" Kinda crazy loung-ey jungle type shlocky type stuff. It's pretty kickass. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif Mmmmm...... bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif


Ryland, looking forward to meeting you. Did you summit Denali this year? I've been wanting to do some mountaineering but I made the mistake of buying some Makalus and then going for a ten mile hike in them right out of the box. I'm such an idiot. My left knee still hates me. Oh well. I still can climb! See ya 'all tomorrow at the tavern cantfocus.gifcantfocus.gifbigdrink.gif



Wait, I thought we were talking tonight! I can't do tomorrow as I have some late meetings. Anyone going out tonight? Jason and I are still tentatively planning on grabbing a beer after climbing. ANyone? Anyone? Beuler? Beuler?


You all are a bunch of posers!


I sat in Max's for an hour....2100-2200 waiting for the pub club to happen and much to my shagrin I stayed there by myself at the bar for an hour. Wahoo. Where was everyone?


I was gonna stay in P-town with the sis for the night but no, I wanted to fly back and go to pub club and meet some climbing Eugenites-lo and behold none of you showed up. LAME.



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