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Don't forget Buffy!


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Petey Puget.....we disagree once again. I thought "Buffy" fans were primarily 15 year old girls, overgrown Dungeons and Dragons players in their mom's basement, and sport-climbers. I saw one episode once just to see what the fuss was all about and it basically was a cute blonde girl and her stupid witch friends kicking some ridiculous monster's butt. Please....rename this thread: "Don't forget to get a life", and maybe some people will do so after that ridiculous show is mercifully put out of its misery.

Just my opinion.


- Dwayner bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

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. I saw one episode once just to see what the fuss was all about and it basically was a cute blonde girl and her stupid witch friends kicking some ridiculous monster's butt.


A wonderful summary!


Just imagine next Tuesday I will be free to drive to the PC just when it's Tacoma's turn!


PP bigdrink.gif

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For once, Dwayner, you elitist horse-cock snarfing sport poser, you say something to which I agree. Congratualations! For some reason, though, your sport-climbing quips are getting old. yellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifGet something else to whine about, and people might forget how many brain cells you lost while slogging up some high-altitude choss heap. yellaf.gifyellaf.gif

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Sphinx said:

For once, Dwayner, you elitist horse-cock snarfing sport poser, you say something to which I agree. Congratualations! For some reason, though, your sport-climbing quips are getting old. yellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifGet something else to whine about, and people might forget how many brain cells you lost while slogging up some high-altitude choss heap. yellaf.gifyellaf.gif

HAHAHAHAHAHA yelrotflmao.gif

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Sphinx said:

For once, Dwayner, you elitist horse-cock snarfing sport poser, you say something to which I agree. Congratualations! For some reason, though, your sport-climbing quips are getting old. yellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifGet something else to whine about, and people might forget how many brain cells you lost while slogging up some high-altitude choss heap. yellaf.gifyellaf.gif


Hey Sphinx/Sexy Cocoa/Patch Jr. plus your other avatars:


I get fan mail for my sport-climbing quips. Now set your VCR for the big show because I hear that Buffy is going to be clipping up a sick and heinous crimp-fest from a sit-start! Must-see TV! Und Rot-punkt!

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So Petey Puget....was it all you thought it would be??? I heard that Buffy changed herself into a bouldering pad when approached by several supernatural creatures who in turned hauled her out to the Wonderland of Rocks where she now lives a life of austerity and contemplation.


Here is a rare recent photo of Buffy in her present state.



Sphinx/Sexy Cocoa/Patch Jr.......just in case you didn't get the message.....sport-climbing sucks.


Patch don't do no sport-climbin'!






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Well Dwayner I hate to admit it but I have never actually watched a full episode of Buffy. Last night I did see the very ending where Sunnydale was transformed into a huge hole. I think this four minutes of viewing pleasure doesn’t give me enough of the “Buffy” experience to judge last night’s episode. Kinda like you and sport climbing. The idea of a woman who can transform herself into a crash pad is close to perfection. Of course the same is true for us guys just imagine Muffy’s dainty feet walking all over you. smile.gif


Now if you want me judge last night’s Spongebob episodes I am your man!



Spongebob Squarepants!


PP bigdrink.gif

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