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Poodle Dog Pass/Glacier Basin Area


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I called the Ranger Station in Darrington this morning and they said the snow starts around 3500-4000 feet. I was wondering if any one has been up the road to Monte Cristo or farther recently (past two weeks) and would like to share trail conditions. I'm hoping I don't have a weekend of postholing ahead of me, and just wanted to confirm that. Unfortunately I won't be able to get snowshoes until next season, but I don't mind a good slog as long as it's not chest deep.

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I'd follow the advice from the post above. Snoeshows are cheap to rent and is also a good way of determining which pair you like. I rented them for three years, trying on about six different models, before I bought a pair.


If it's like how it was when I went out 9 days ago, you'll be fine without them until about 4,500 feet. Then you'll wallow. This past week at the 5-6 k range and higher its still been picking up a little bit of snow.

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