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this just figures


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sucks that her hubby got shot but sueing will not prevent anyone else from getting murdured it'll only fatten her pockets.. just another lame excuse to sue some one... next will hear of poeple sueing the car dealers that sold some dude a car, in which he killed someone with while driving drunk.

just make no sence cantfocus.gif

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PC run amok. Guns don't kill people. Idiots kill people. And WTF is up with the comment from the NAACP about "disproportionately harming poor black people" ??? confused.gifconfused.gif


While I don't agree that the gov't should make ANYONE immune to prosecution, I do think that THIS KIND of prosecution is frivoulous. Prosecute the offenders, not those who manufacture the implement. If this goes thru, what's next? Immunity for automakers from fatal car crash prsecutions? Farm machinery?


I do believe, if it's ever actually proven, that Bulleye Shooters Supply's shoddy recordkeeping/illegal sales of weapons is a contributing factor in Malvo and Mohammed's acquiring the weapon, then they (Bullseye) should be on the stand along with those two. But Bushmaster has NO REASON AT ALL to be dragged along into this.


WTF ever happened to personal responsibility and cogent laying of the blame on those responsible? Stella Leinbeck, are you listening?


PS: And no, I don't hunt or own a gun. And I'm not some NRA nut gone wild with Second Amendment Fever, either. grin.gif I'm just really sick and tired of hearing about these kinds of "sue everybody" lawsuits. Fuckin' whiners cry.gif

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catbirdseat said:





It is what they are designed for goddamn it!


Amen. Talking to right wingers about this fact is like talking to a brick wall, however. If the NRA had it's way we could all walk around armed with M-16s and rocket launchers. rolleyes.gif

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Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Guns just make it a lot easier. And you can pick off more victims. From longer range. Long live the NRA and Charlton Heston (although they are going to be prying the gun from his cold dead fingers pretty soon, that codger is getting old). hellno3d.gif

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