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iain said:

awfully serious post this early in the morning DFA.


Sorry about that.


It's just that Peter seemed so genuinely upset, and it sounded like he was going to sprout fangs and claws and tear up his office in some kind of Jeckyll/Hyde rage scenario. Pacifying force that Dr. Flash Amazing is, he had to stem that tide of out-of-control aggression and settle ol' Puget down 'fore things got ugly.

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

iain said:

awfully serious post this early in the morning DFA.


Sorry about that.


It's just that Peter seemed so genuinely upset, and it sounded like he was going to sprout fangs and claws and tear up his office in some kind of Jeckyll/Hyde rage scenario. Pacifying force that Dr. Flash Amazing is, he had to stem that tide of out-of-control aggression and settle ol' Puget down 'fore things got ugly.

ladies, choose your weapons


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erik said:






Bullshit. We're all just one in several billion, doing what everybody else is doing, not doing anything very well, just happily humming along, contributing nothing. Oh, wait. My self-esteem relies on my delusion of being A SIGNIFICANT BEING. Repeat to self to ward off depression: "I AM A SIGNIFICANT BEING". Repeat as necessary. wave.gif

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cracked why soo jaded?


it is sad to me that a person so young has fallen into the mindset that we are not individuals.


certainyl genetic makeup and what not is similar, but we have different smiles and ideas that make us different.


if we were all the same morals and ethics would not be required. there would be no culture, just mindless rumsfieldians.





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cracked said:

erik said:






Bullshit. We're all just one in several billion, doing what everybody else is doing, not doing anything very well, just happily humming along, contributing nothing. Oh, wait. My self-esteem relies on my delusion of being A SIGNIFICANT BEING. Repeat to self to ward off depression: "I AM A SIGNIFICANT BEING". Repeat as necessary. wave.gif


Cracked. Your're right. Most peole never will be significant in the big picture. But what about your significance to other people? That's more important in the long run, isn't it? wave.gif

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Your reply again is utter crap. I stand by my comments that the supporters of the war with Iraq are in fact very aware of noncombatant casualties and do not support the killing of civilians or enemy combatants for the sake of killing.


Interested readers may search and review our discussion of the topic “war is murder” and see how quickly DFA expressed his ignorance when face with the implications inherent in this statement.


I stand by my asshole statement.




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As a point of fact, one of those whom I think you would consider a “pro war kill the rag heads type” once gave more than a squirt of piss. Something for which criticized him for reporting on CC.com. I bring his up only to show again how wrong you are.


ChucK –


Is it wrong that I ask for moral/ethical clarification from DFA who is so willing to make judgements upon others? I call BS on your thumbs down and ask why would you seek to ridicule such an inquiry?!




Edited by Peter_Puget
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NOBODY LIKES WAR. I think. But somehow it seems to solve world crises. It works. Peace doesn't. Wake up and read some history books. Peace never lasts. Why? Cause the human pyche is fucked up. War is a way of solving human problems. Yes, it's horrible, yes, it's murder. But sometimes it's necessary.

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Peter_Puget said:



Your reply again is utter crap. I stand by my comments that the supporters of the war with Iraq are in fact very aware of noncombatant casualties and do not support the killing of civilians or enemy combatants for the sake of killing.


Interested readers may search and review our discussion of the topic “war is murder” and see how quickly DFA expressed his ignorance when face with the implications inherent in this statement.


I stand by my asshole statement.




Sidebar discussion

As a point of fact, one of those whom I think you would consider a “pro war kill the rag heads type” once gave more than a squirt of piss. Something for which criticized him for reporting on CC.com. I bring his up only to show again how wrong you are.


ChucK –


Is it wrong that I ask for moral/ethical clarification from DFA who is so willing to make judgements upon others? I call BS on your thumbs down and ask why would you seek to ridicule such an inquiry?!





Dammit, Puget! madgo_ron.gif


OK, wait a sec' ... patience, patience, deep breath, relax ... OK ...


For the second time, DFA is not putting words in anyone's mouth! If you haven't seen people talking gleefully about raining bombs on Iraq on this website, then it's understandable that you're puzzled by what DFA is saying, but it does get talked about. Obviously if you're pro-war but are also deeply concerned for casualties of any nationality, then the assertion that perhaps we should be more concerned for casualties on both sides doesn't apply, does it? The Doctor is not saying "all war supporters are assholes" or anything of the sort. If you want to go on believing that that's what DFA is saying, well, that's your prerogative, buster.


To quote RobBob of late, "Sheesh!" rolleyes.gif


The name-calling's not very nice, either, you meanie! cry.gif

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Meet some of the people who may soon be killed or maimed by US bombs:






While you're praying for our soldiers, don't forget the Iraqi people, too, as they are people, too.


Puget, where in the above post is Dr. Flash Amazing implicating that war supporters are insensitive assholes, please? It's a simple plea, not an indictment. There's nothing between the lines, so don't try and read there.

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trask said:

DFA and Puget-

Thanks for the running battle commentary. Perhaps you two experts should apply for positions at the Pentagon. Ari Fleisher might use your services. hahaha.gif


Trask, admit it. You've never been so hopelessly, heart-poundingly, head-over-heels in mad, mad man-love as you are with DFA and Peter Puget, and it's tearing you up inside as you try to decide which one of us to buy flowers for with what's left of your paycheck after your weekly whiskey binge. Isn't that what's going on?


You poor dear ... frown.gif

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i dont think he stagin that we have forgotten, i believe he is aking for us to think about it.


i personally have no reason to show animosity towards others in which i have no direct contact with.


have you burned your self on the stove?? well times that by like 65k until your whole body melts. not pleasent



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cracked said:

DFA, this is getting pathetic. When you say "remember those who will be killed and maimed by US bombs" you are implying that we have forgetten and/or don't care about those who will die. It's not a simple plea. Sheesh. rolleyes.gif


Oh, OK, you're right. You know what DFA was saying and what he meant by what he said. Good call. Why don't we just let you speak for the Doctor from now on so we can avoid any more confusion about what Dr. Flash Amazing is really saying when he says what he says.

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

cracked said:

DFA, this is getting pathetic. When you say "remember those who will be killed and maimed by US bombs" you are implying that we have forgetten and/or don't care about those who will die. It's not a simple plea. Sheesh. rolleyes.gif


Oh, OK, you're right. You know what DFA was saying and what he meant by what he said. Good call. Why don't we just let you speak for the Doctor from now on so we can avoid any more confusion about what Dr. Flash Amazing is really saying when he says what he says.

works for me thumbs_up.gif

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Cracked, while your hubris in interpreting Dr. Flash Amazing's "true" message is admirable, you unfortunately don't know what you're talking about. Additionally, your recent move to wear a DFA-sized ego is somewhat akin to a kid wearing his dad's shoes; i.e. you might feel pretty important, but the impression from the outside is rather comical at best. Stick to making the occasional tangential quip and meek interjection, and leave the grandiose pronouncements, accusations, and self-righteous name-calling to the experts.


Adieu, petit grimpeur. wave.gif

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Peter_Puget said:


ChucK –


Is it wrong that I ask for moral/ethical clarification from DFA who is so willing to make judgements upon others? I call BS on your thumbs down and ask why would you seek to ridicule such an inquiry?!



First, you asked for moral/ethical clarification from Off White. That is the inquiry to which I responded.


Second, I did not ridicule your inquiry specifically, but your refusal to respond to said inquiry turned back upon you. You asked Off White and DFA a big unanswerable question, refused to even try to answer it yourself, then used it as "proof" that DFA was wrong. That's what I ridicule.







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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Cracked, while your hubris in interpreting Dr. Flash Amazing's "true" message is admirable, you unfortunately don't know what you're talking about. Additionally, your recent move to wear a DFA-sized ego is somewhat akin to a kid wearing his dad's shoes; i.e. you might feel pretty important, but the impression from the outside is rather comical at best. Stick to making the occasional tangential quip and meek interjection, and leave the grandiose pronouncements, accusations, and self-righteous name-calling to the experts.


Adieu, petit grimpeur. wave.gif


It's hard to become a spray expert without spraying. My number of posts is steadily increasing. thumbs_up.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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