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Alrighty, we'll agree on the following:


- There are serious problems in the middle east

- War is not going to solve them


Then I will also agree with you that basic human rights are denied to many in the middle east, particularly women.


But beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Our western ideals and notions of human rights are not generally accepted in the middle east. If middle eastern men do not agree with you and me, then the only way for us to bring what we perceive to be basic human rights to middle eastern women is through war and subsequent oppression. The dilemma is that while some people in the middle east are certain to want to adopt western ideals, a lot of other people in the middle east have problems with western meddling. Of course that includes a lot of the women - after all it's their men you'll be bombing.


Regardless of your faith, race, color or creed, I'm sure you can agree with me when I say that basic human rights are denied to many people of the middle east. Women most of all. I don't understand how anyone could ignore that and still consider themselves a human fucking being.


By the way, the basis of our perceived violations of human rights is the Islamic faith as adhered to in certain regions. So what you are saying is that you don't understand how large numbers of Saudis, Kuwaitis, etc., can consider themselves to be human beings. If you're hell-bent on heading over there to help them out, is this the right attitude?


Naive. You asshole.


Relax dude. No need for name-calling. It's not like I have any less naive ideas for "solving" the problem myself. My favorite approach would be to get rid of the reliance on oil. This would be possible if we could figure out viable alternate energy sources, which seems to be within scientific reach but possibly not within social, economic or political reach. The net effect of a successful move away from oil would be a huge reduction in the influx of western money into many of the Arab states. I don't think the oil money is doing much good for the people you want to help over there, do you?


Have fun picking my idea apart if you want.


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I apologize for the name calling. I get a little incensed from time to time. I guess I just feel we are doing the right thing here. I fully understand that it is important, nay, it is vital that we have people questioning and probing every action we (the USA) make. It helps to keep us honest. I started out with the intent of just putting my opinion out, and I got carried away. Nothing personal. bigdrink.gif

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