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Posts posted by jja

  1. I've got a pair I bought last year. I've used these things maybe 8-10 times so far. I use them mostly for approaches to summer alpine rock climbs. They've worked great for that purpose. I've got the model with the plastic bale front and rear and it's secure on even soft tennies. (although the whole setup feels mo better with a stiffer shoe). The rear bale has a small bolt and nut that you can move to a different hole to change the size for different footwear, I was concerned at first that this was a potential failure point - but I haven't had any issues with it and it seems burly enough.


    Only negative so far: The bales are really stiff and don't collapse into a nice neat little package for carrying like the stubais.


    click me

  2. it's going to be damp in squamish this weekend but some people will be there anyways. look for a skinheaded guy drinking coffee with a rusty subaru waiting for the rain to stop yellaf.gif


    Hey I'm the resident skinhead on this site .. you might think you don't have much dru, but you've got w00t quanities of hair compared to me yellaf.gif


    but i clippered it all off 2 days ago! hahaha.gif


    I bet that oh so kewl sideburn to jawbone captain kirk facial hair thing you got goin' on stands out real perty now the_finger.gif

  3. "Meet at the Barney's rubble climbing area on Icicle Road (Mile 5.5 up Icicle Road from Icicle Junction)."


    Just to be clear this means 5.5 miles from the right hand turn at the gas station (a 76) that bug mentioned. Barney's rubble is a small laid back granite outcropping just off the road (will be on your right) with a bunch of short cracks, directly across the road from it is another roadside formation called bruce's boulder (easily distinguished by giant steel tr anchors on the top).

  4. it's going to be damp in squamish this weekend but some people will be there anyways. look for a skinheaded guy drinking coffee with a rusty subaru waiting for the rain to stop yellaf.gif


    Hey I'm the resident skinhead on this site .. you might think you don't have much dru, but you've got w00t quanities of hair compared to me yellaf.gif

  5. K&J, I don't know how to connect a thread. But a couple pages back here on the gear forum there was a thread about Motorcycle Goggles for glaciers. All the comments were pretty positive. I just got a pair and they look like they will work real well, havn't been out and tried yet. I liked the price too.


    other thread

  6. navigate to the pic you want in the gallery, right click it, properties, then copy out the url of the picture in the properties tab (not the url of the web page you are in).


    then make your post, click on the image tag in the post page and paste in the url you copied from the pic.

  7. umbilicals are only aid if you hang on them, and it looks like the grivel bungee things you linked to would place you about 4' below your tools if you tried to hang on them.


    much easier and just as quick to flip the rope over the head of a well stuck tool and call take .. not that I would ever do such a thing wink.gif

  8. I've got the quark clippy thing. I started using towards the end of last season. I like it ok. Unclipping goes super quick and easy. Clipping back in you can do a super slick flick of the clippy thing and catch it with your fingers and clip back in real easy - or the flippy thing doesnt' work, in which case you have to either orient it correctly in your hand with your teeth, or up against your chest. Not to big of a deal, and I suspect I'll get better at it.


    One thing I didn't expect was the hassle they can be when not actually on the pitch, ie at belays, during snow slog sections, where the f* did i put those damn things - stuff like that. I suppose that will come with experience though.


    So at least for me the CM clippy's are better than the stock quark leashes, but not quite as good as I thought they would be. Have'nt used any other system to compare.


    Got to tell you though the first time I unclipped and switched tools to get around an awkward bulge I felt like such an ice hero. fruit.gif


    Granted it was only honeyman falls yellaf.gif

  9. How about the grivel index finger rest? I've only played with it in the store, but it looks almost universal if you can get the wrap around band that goes around the shaft to fit ??


    I've also met someone up in lillooet that had modified their bd viper with an index finger thing by drilling a hole through the shaft at the appropriate spot and then bolting on an emt (electical conduit) clamp (the kind designed to hold the tubing secure to a wall). He added a whole lot of skate board tape and voila !! looked kinda ghetto, but he said it worked just fine.


    .. and drilling a hole in the shaft can't be too big a deal - after all the quarks already come that way for the stud part of the clippy leashless system.

  10. I've got those little clippy things on my quarks and I''d never take those things in the alpine - I'm gumby enough w/o the extra gear headaches.


    btw, I don't want to spary on your great tr dru, but did we really need to see your nostril hair yellaf.gif

  11. One popular treat we got from one of our guys' aunt was a box of chocolates filled with liquor. mmmh - normally alchy wouldn't make it through the mail, being against the rules and all.


    One thought on books - send good ones. Just cause you're in the middle of east bum fuck doesn't mean you want to read a harlequin romance novel or dum western. Being deployed can put in you a philosophical mood, I remember reading plato for the first time .. good stuff.


    Support the troops, thanks guys thumbs_up.gif

  12. yep your wrong. wave.gif


    a clip encompasses the rounds in a little metal thingy. think of an m1 garand with an 8 round clip. the clip is an integral part of the round package that fits into the reciever, when the 8 rounds are done the clip comes flying out making a clanging sound. Also think stripper clip like how any of the old timey military rifles were loaded like an enfield or an sks. teh rim of the round engages a little metal strip that allows a bunch of rounds to be convienently loaded into the reciever's magazine.


    Interestingly 5.56 military ball ammo comes on stripper clips from the box, you can seat the end of the stripper clip into the top of an m16 mag and just push the rounds off into the mag.


    so, a clip and a magazine are for sure different things.


    If you're interested in this sort of thing a discussion on clips and magazines can be found here in context of an enfield #4

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