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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Wranglers??? Or handlers? On second thought, in your case it must be wranglers...
  2. We'll have to talk. In the meantime, fix me one of yer famous mai tais...
  3. sobo

    Very Interesting

    Yeah, but the real question is, "Was she hawt?"
  4. Yup, you seem to have captured it right there... Tried and convicted in the Court of Public Opinion. That's how it's done here...
  5. Oh yeah, I got greenbacks just comin' out my ears...
  6. If history is any guide, then it would seem to me that the law will be bent, stretched, or completely circumvented yet again. Seems as if we are about to come full circle. Except this time it won't be the National Guard...
  7. A-men, Bruthuh... This is going to be my new mantra.
  8. Sheeee-it, I should be an ACLU lawyer, then...
  9. That's true, the PA doesn't. These two troublesome powers were attached to the larger defense appropriations bill as an amendment (rider), in secret, while we were all stuffing our pieholes with burnt bird and free-range raccoon. It's this "rider" bullshit that really chaps my ass. Not one iota of public input/debate/discussion, yet these riders become law in the dead of night. Same way we got Fee (Not) Demo (Anymore) back in 1996, when a Congressman from Ohio (Ralph Regula), without a fuq'n square inch of federal lands in his district, attached the F(N)D(A) rider to the larger omnibus government appropriations bill. BAM! Overnight, we're paying to recreate on lands that we, the public, already own. Ludicrous in how that occurred. And now it's happeneing again, but this time to your freedom as an Amerikan... Is it too far of a stretch to think that this rider to the NDAA2012 legislation, if not vetoed/repealed/amended, will be used to police up and detain both Tea Party-ers and OWS protesters alike...?? Or anyone who becomes "troublesome" to the government...??
  10. Maybe we should all get together and march on D.C. in protest of this bill. Wait, that probably wouldn't work... we'd all be shot before we got halfway there...
  11. Case #1 should be a slam dunk. I cannot subscribe to "SCOTUS's" decision in Case #2. At least "SCOTUS" had their thinking caps on for Case #3.
  12. Hey, no worries nor need to apologize, Mate! Customer service beyond extreme! Thanks, jon!
  13. Tried to post this in cc.news, but there's no way for a commoner to post a new topic there. Mods, feel free to move it when you get to this. Anyway... There used to be a toggle (in the upper right corner area) of the Photo Gallery that said "Back to cc.com" or somesuch thing. Made it really easy to flip back and forth between the two. It's been gone for a while. Any reason why? Now in the Gallery, you have to hit "Home", then highlight and delete the "/plab" suffix in the address bar, which gets you back to the CC.com main page, then re-navigate to where you were before you went to the Gallery. Any reason why the old "Back to cc.com" toggle can't be brought back? Thanks for all you do, guys.
  14. Now let me see... I know I put my brownshirt and armband around here somewhere...
  15. Haven't you heard? We don't need due process anymore. It's a Brave New World out there...
  16. Ask and ye shall receive... Oh, yeah...
  17. It's all just a matter of having flawless technique...
  18. Halliburton! Oh wait, that was the last administration...
  19. Time for me to go do my 3 miles. Be back in 20 minutes. Or so...
  20. Patricium, not the russian one, that was the italian american and besides you guys started it that night And it got loud apparently! The entire neighborhood is still not on speaking terms with me! Howz come I never get invited to all the cool parties...?? Italo-Americana babes... Rússkij babes... This living out in the sticks just ain't all it's cracked up to be...
  21. Now that is one that I'll definitely have to remember.
  22. Pardon me, suh, but how is this discussion of penile shapeliness germane to the topic at hand...?? Or is this just an exercise in stream of consciousness...? BTW, I haven't done jack shit all day. I'm gonna have to put some effort toward the project tonight...
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