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Everything posted by sobo

  1. I've been pre-empted in all of my relationships for my entire life. So what's gonna be new and fresh about you...?
  2. sobo

    Obama & guns

    And therein lies the rub...
  3. Dammit, Pat. There you go again! Beat to the punch twice in 5 minutes on two different threads!
  4. If Lynn Hill decided to grace my campfire ring, I'd be pleased. And I wouldn't expect her to have to do a thing. It would be my pleasure. It's called giving. There's no expectation of a "payback"...
  5. sobo

    Obama & guns

    Damn you, Pat! I was gonna link to that same video in a second. I just wanted to get meseff another cuppa coffee before doing so...
  6. So true! I think it's about time for someone to cue up the "Muir on Saturday" thread. Common theme seems to be running here...
  7. Then exactly what are you saying, kev? Upon what part of your statement below did I miss the nuance? You just agreed with a whiny woman who took umbrage with Alf eating at her campfire and not bringing anything to the table (that is, if we discount his work at IC over the many years he's been dirtbagging it there.) Sure, why not? They are both climbing legends by any definition of the word. Are you going to be the arbiter of what constitutes a climbing legend now? Everybody knows Fred's contributions. By the content of the posts on the MP thread, it appears to me that Alf is regarded as a local legend, too. Ya savvy?
  8. You hear what you want to hear. So are you saying that you wouldn't nab a chance at having a climbing legend join you for dinner at the crags after a day of climbering? Let's say Fred showed up at yer campfire... would you run him off, too, cuz he didn't bring a spoon or wash his dish? Man, lighten up. Your lid's screwed on too tight if that's how you really feel...
  9. sobo


    Strength and Honor, Dane!
  10. But technically, shouldn't it be spelled "ARR FILED"...?? And while we're at it, "HERRO"...?? And "CAPITARISTS"...?? Oh yeah...
  11. Ding Ding Ding!!! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. Better not let The Rooster hear you say that... But damn, son, ya called it! You and I are headed to Vegas!!!
  12. The essence of precious bodily fluids...
  13. Fock, you still up? Where ya been? I coulda used some help killin planets...
  14. Khrist, and here I thought evereyone's gone to bed. Thanks for the support, man! BTW, Yavin IV jsut got obliteraaaated, but I think that's all I can manage tonight. Six planets killed... I tihnk Gov. Tarkin would be mighty proud o' me...
  15. Kamino jsut bit it... Goddamn, these PKs are addictive...
  16. Hey Pat, Endor just got blown up, but now I'm out of lemons. Can I jsut use Rose's lime juice instead? Or would taht be sacriligious?
  17. Well, it is finger lickin' good after all..
  18. Alderaan, Dantooine, and Hoth so far...
  19. Hot damn, man, these PK's are fuq'n good!!!1
  20. For being Tom Petty, that sure reminded me of the Black Beast scene towards the end of Holy Grail...
  21. Yes, that may be true, Stephen, but which would you rather share with your friends? Just sayin'...
  22. WHOA-HO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! These things really are planet killers!!! Yowzerz!!!1 Thanks, Pat! :tup:
  23. Upon your recommendation, 5K, I did purchase the Appleton Estate amber rum. Just so you know... TTK, WSLCB didn't have any Whalers. The darkest thing they had was Meyers Dark. Hope that's OK...
  24. OKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... Well, it is that time again, people... Spicing things up a little this evening... I'll be doing a little homage tonight to TTK via his Planet Killer Mai Tai. You may recall our lively little exchange in the Legalize it thread yesterday, which culminated in a congenial conclusion after much discourse, and a suggestion from TTK that I join him in his environs for one of his famous alcoholic concoctions... the nefarious TTK Planet Killer Mai Tai. Then late this morning, TTK reported the results of his students' Free Speech Quiz , and by early afternoon TTK had repeated his offer of having me join him for a round of his Planet Killers. Since by necessity, this congregation may be some time off in the future, he provided his secret formula... TTK PKMT recipe Not having all of the requisite ingredients, I made the arduous sojourn to my local WSLCB (for as much longer as they'll be around) and purchased the necessary constituents, and have now brought same safely to my humble abode. I sally forth now to prepare... the TTK Planet Killer Mai Tai! Report to follow...
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