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Everything posted by sobo

  1. *DISCLAIMER* I am not asking for legal advice. I'm just looking for a citation. In my line of work (engineering), I cannot legally sign and stamp designs, documents, etc. that pertain to aspects of engineering for which I am not licensed nor educated/experienced. For instance, as a licensed and registered professional civil engineer in WA, I can author, sign, and stamp designs, plans & specs, technical memos and documents, etc. that pertain to most any aspect of municipal engineering (roads, streets, highways; water supply systems, booster pump stations, pipelines; sewage collection systems, lift stations, pipelines; irrigation pipelines, pump stations, intake structures; etc.). However, it is illegal for me to do the same with such branches of engineering as structural (bridges, occupied buildings, etc.), surveying, electrical, mechanical, nuclear, etc. So the question is this... Is there a similar citation in RCW that prohibits an attorney that specializes in, say, med mal (suing doctors and hospitals), from practicing in family law (divorce/parenting plan issues), unless said attorney is licensed/educated/experienced in the field of family law? If so, what is that citation? TIA. This wasn't much help... Neither was this... Nor this...
  2. Oh, I hear ya, Kurt. Trust me, I hear ya...
  3. I emailed back to BSCX today to let her know that as of right now, I'm still stickin' with the instructions in the PP. I did agree that her offer was a reasonable alternative to the current plan, BUT before I would agree to it I would need to consult with my attorney. I told her that I would try to contact my lawyers this week (good luck with that, in the week before Christmas...) and see what they say about what would need to be put in place before agreeing to the change. Warily circling the shiny metal trinket...
  4. I noticed that yesterday. Very stylin' climber woman there. Thanks for the backstory on that photo! It certainly looks like a real death drop-off to her right, but she sure as shit seems happy as hell to be there! But check out your shoes! What are those hi-tops, anyway? And crew socks pulled up to the shins...??? I catch shit all the time for my hi-tops and crew sox. Just sayin'...
  5. Gawd, don't I know that you're both 110% correct. That's 220% total! But this sure sounds like a sweet deal for everyone. BSCX really knows how to play this game, and I just shouldn't play it with her. I can just picture her now, peering down at me through the water's surface, as she flicks the rod again and again, causing the lure to twitch to and fro. I swim in slow circles around the shiny metal trinket, the circles getting ever tighter and tighter, as I consider whether or not to strike at the lure and go deep. I should just swim away...
  6. sobo

    Where's rob???

    Hey, that's uncharitable! I just did 3 miles and change in the butt-ass cold. That's gotta count for sump'n, right?
  7. So that's where you went! Cheers and jolly good, Mate! Why is it that I thought JayB was living in NYC and not the PNW???
  8. sobo

    Where's rob???

    At least you wished him a HB.
  9. Not entirely worked out, I guess... After I wrote the above post yesterday morning, I got an email from the BSC ex in the early afternoon with a new suggestion... Now she wants to bring the kids to Tri-Cities a few days before Christmas in exchange for me bringing them back to her on the 3rd. On the surface, that sounds like a great idea. I save the hotel and pet care costs (that's good, since I'm only working half-time), the kids don't spend Christmas Day driving across the state (she's plucking my emotional heartstrings with that one - she knows that I'll do anything to make life easier on the kids), she can keep a work appointment that she made on the day she was supposed to come here and get them (why she scheduled work on the day she's supposed to retrieve the kids is beyond me, but anyway...), and it would be easy for me to make the drive over and back on the 3rd (I'm not working on that day anyway). Sure seems like everybody wins, right...?? This is in keeping with her long-established modus operandi... Make an agreement, wait a coupla days, then propose a change. Make a new agreement, wait a coupla more days, make another change. Repeat right up until the last moment. Every fiber in my being is telling me that this is just another trap. If she had a history of being reasonable and honest with me, I could go for this proposed change to the Parenting Plan. But there is no foundation of trust in her upon which I should base changing my decision (and my attorney's advice) to adhere strenuously to the Parenting Plan through this holiday. I can just see myself agreeing to this new plan of hers, and waiting here for her to arrive with the kids, only to have her not show up and give some lame excuse. So there it would be, Christmas Day, the kids still in Poulsbo, and me here without them, the duped victim of her manipulative connivery once again. I'm soooooo tired of that. I want to believe she'll actually follow through, but with her history of lying, cheating, manipulation, and emotional blackmail, I just can't take that chance. Not anymore. And that makes me look like the unreasonable one now...
  10. Yeah, there's that. And the crazy scene whilst training on the desert towers where Clint is supposed to be leading George Kennedy up a climb, but there are topropes above Clint. Favorite line from that scene: George: Wanna beer? Clint: You hauled beer all the way up this thing?? Geroge: Nope. YOU did! POP! fzzz POP! fzzz Clint: It's warm... George: Well, I thought you'd draw the line at hauling ice... I had that one pulled on me by a climbing bud about 10 years ago. Phil was always stuffing things in my pack when I wasn't looking. This time it was a 6-pack of Bud Lite in cans. After going through a similar conversation to the above... Me: Jeezuz, Phil! A 6-pack!!?? A whole 6-pack? Phil: Yeah, but it's "light" beer. Light, get it? Bud "Lite"... Me: Oh, Christ...
  11. sobo

    Where's rob???

    I wanna wish that fuq'r a Happy Birthday! HEY rob, ya MF'r! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :kisss: sickie
  12. Agreed! Her name is George, BTW. Plays George Kennedy's daughter in the flick. A real fine pair of Levi cut-offs, that one was...
  13. "I'm never going to drink again, again..."
  14. The Eiger Sanction is quintessential Clint goodness. TtV is good! One of the best movies about "real" climbing, evuh.
  15. Yahhhhhh! Free-soloing 5.7 hottie with a 70-pound pack and a Gilligan hat. Too bad she's already taken... Have to ask, Chris... why would you take the photo between the legs if you weren't belaying her? Am I missing something? Is this the new face of creative photography? A third person in the crew with the camera, positioned above "Legs"? Other??
  16. sobo

    Ski Porn!

    Yes, that, but also the slo-mo scenes of the boy missing him with the snowball, the old man on the tri-wheeler, and the water dripping in close-up; the switching between the close-ups of the skis going backwards and then the long shot as he rotates to forward, and again the switching between close-ups of his boots at the bus stop and the long shot; the long shot of the aerials as he comes down the winding road, popping up repeatedly in the distance as he gets closer and closer, then the close-ups as he schusses through the yards and into a more urban environment, finally crossing streets in front of cars and bombing down narrow alleys between houses, his environment going from wide open to more and more constricted; the fact that you never really get a good look at his face, only a vague notion that he's a bearded guy; and lastly the viewer is left with the thought that as he waits for the bus, with the readerboard noting "UPHILL", he's getting on to go up and make another run. Now how cool is that?
  17. sobo

    Ski Porn!

    WOW...!!! The awards that I had in mind when I made my post above are highlighted below. All.I.Can Awards: "BEST FEATURE-LENGTH MOUNTAIN FILM" - Banff Mountain Film Festival 2011 "BEST DOCUMENTARY" - IF3 Film Festival Montreal 2011 "MOST INNOVATIVE VISUAL FX" - IF3 Film Festival Montreal 2011 "BEST SKI FILM" - Adventure Film Festival, Boulder 2011 "BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY" - ESPN Fan Favorites 2011 "PEOPLES CHOICE" and "BEST SKI FILM" - Fernie Film Festival, BC 2011 "BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY" - International Freeride Film Festival, France 2011 "BEST PICTURE" - International Freeride Film Festival, France 2011 "BEST FILM OF THE YEAR" - Adventure Film Festival, Copenhagen 2011 The skiing was awesome and fun, but what really did it for me was the truly great cinematography and stunning visual effects. This film is definitely worthy of those awards. Glad that talent was recognized where it exists. Wow...
  18. It is, I'm "up and aboot" now with no ill effects from the previous evening, so I send "Hangover Begone" wishes your way. Yes, that thought had occurred to me. A few days in a hotel in Seattle would have been much cheaper than what the ticket changes, change fees, airport parking, and additional plane tickets from the Tri-Cities ultimately cost, but the biggest issue was one of logistics for Phydeaux. I made arrangements a month ago when we agreed on the premise of this trip for Phydeaux to be boarded at the vet's from the 16th to the 23rd, cuz he's very old and not an entirely well cat. Having him pet-sat for a week or more would put him in a precarious position, should he head downhill again like he did (and almost took the dirt nap) back in October. And, of course, leaving him with a week's worth of food and water alone in the house is a non-starter for such an old kitteh. So when I got bamboozled last weekend, I tried to reschedule Phydeaux's boarding arrangements, but everything in town had filled up by then. No room at the inn, so to speak. So the only time I could get him covered by the vet was from the 27th to the 2nd of January. Picking up the kids on the 25th will necessitate me taking Phydeaux with me on the round trip drive to Seattle, then returning with him and the kids to the Tri-Cities on Christmas Day so that he can be deposited at the vet's on the 26th, so we can board the plane in Pasco on the morning of the 27th. Yes, quite the bit of logistics, driving, and money to be involved here. All thanks to the BSC Bitch...
  19. sobo

    Ski Porn!

    That was singularly some of the best filmography I've seen on the innerwebz, EVER! What a creation! It should win an award... a BIG one! :tup: A grand find, pink. Thanks for that!
  20. Enjoy your day/weekend out tomorrow, 5K. As for me, I'll be recovering... They're coming in! Three marks at 2-10! Time for another Planet Killer... PS: What happened to "Embrace the suck!"?
  21. Something told me that you could relate...
  22. *DISCLAIMER* Please know that if any attorneys are reading this, I am in NO WAY planning, nor morally capable of taking to conclusion, the action referenced below: Today, I experienced such annoyance, frustration, anger, and rage at the hands of my BAT SHIT CRAZY EX-WIFE BITCH'S manipulations that I can honestly say, although I have sufficient control of my emotions to never attempt such a thing, that I completely understand now why some people of lesser moral and emotional constitution take a gun and pop a cap in the ass of their exes. As a story was related to me from a college friend about a friend of his: "He's dead, I don't have to fuq with him anymore, and I'll be out in 9 years..."
  23. Stephen, I do not think that you can comprehend the level of annoyance, frustration, anger and outright rage that I was feeling earlier today as I racked up the dollars changing those tickets as a result of her lies, manipulation, and connivery. Marcin, Knowing just the little you've told me of your situation, I'm sure that you can grasp the depth of feelings that I experienced today.
  24. On my third. The ribeye is just about off the grill... The bottle of cab is breathing as we speak. All is good...
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