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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Hmmmmmmm, excellent response!
  2. sobo


    scornful tease...? or heartless khunt?
  3. With this I would have to fully agree, especially after last weekend.
  4. Hear, hear! I also join in wishing the Quarry Boy a Happy Birthday! It is indeed an event.
  5. Sorry d00d, don't be harshin' my mellow. I fuhk'd up and thought I was talking to scott/akhalteke after his latest trip to Looking Glass. It raised an "eyebrow" with me... BTW, Happy Birthday, Quarry Boy!
  6. Was that with or without an umlat?
  7. sobo


    I have no soul, and therefore nothing to uncage.
  8. sobo


    Me like. Me like dat one. Very nice. Welcome back, Couloir... and your avatars. :tup:
  9. Gotta debate with O_W here, sklag... Replace with perlon cord, or preferably kevlar cord (but don't retie after tieing the knot - kevlar will "brittle up" after repeated flexion) in the last hole ahead of the trigger slide slot, just like your friend has already done. This helps to prevent stem breakage when falling onto horizontal cam placements. Less leverage. I don't think you'll be able to get 1" tubular through that hole.
  10. sobo


    Thought you said you didn't climb?
  11. Actually, I think she would. That is, if she climbed.
  12. I like the sound of that...
  13. I thought you didn't climb...
  14. sobo


    stop making sense
  15. sobo


    pink does... he climbed El Cap, ya know.
  16. sobo


    That's better, Andrew. Now take your gifs and run along home.
  17. sobo


    I did not get the sense that the record was broken "again." Hirayama and Florine missed it by 0:1:45. Ergo, the Huber Bros. record of last year still stands. Score = 0 for reading comprehension.
  18. Definitely! I "hate it" when Lowell posts, because I end up spending hours reading everything and chasing all the links to "new history" (well, new to me at least) lessons. It's a great time-sink. Now, back to work...
  19. You saved a buttload on yer car insurance, or what? O_W: Pink's climbed El Cap. He doesn't have to get out of the car for anything Colorado might have to offer.
  20. Don't be a tease, Andrew. This is not the "Name That Route" thread.
  21. Jiminy Krismus! And a puffy to boot??? brrrrrrr!!!1
  22. You're on! I've got a few left over from our road trip to Lightning Dome. Thanks for the lovely weather, FF, but it was just a skosch too hot. Next time, can you cool it off a little during the middle of the day? OKTHNXBAI!
  23. I agree with what Kurt and paramagic have said. It can be done, but it basically sucks. There is not enough ankle support in Koflachs for carving serious turns. They would work just fine for more moderate slopes that you might encounter while doing an approach. For anything much over 25 degrees or so, get the proper gear or you'll just suffer through the "experience." I have Verticals and Fritschis, and have done the ski descents from several volcano slog summits. But it was not by any means truly fun, nor at times was it very graceful (refer to my comment about yardsaling down from Hood's icy Pearly Gates in this thread). I'm a cheap-ass muthufugger and so I won't go dropping a wad on true randonne gear since I don't enjoy it as much as ice climbing and such. I basically bought my Fischers and Fritschis so I could approach ice climbs, not for stylin' down cinder cone summits. I've got other gear specifically for tele, which is another story...
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