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Posts posted by David_Parker

  1. I have the older BRS (bonded rubber shaft) X-15's straight shaft and used these for waterfall climbing for many years. They take all the picks you can get that fit prophets and anything BD put out since. I finally replaced them with Cobras 2 years ago. I put my Alaska picks back on them and they are my alpine tools of choice (straight shaft better) over my Cobras. BTW, they only weigh one ounce more! I think $75 each is a reasonable price, but no more. If any one runs into a 50 cm BRS straight shaft X-15 adze or hammer, let me know. I want another one. My original waterfall tools were the original X-15's mentioned above. The pick is different. I use one of those alot too with a regular classic pick. I guess I'm a BD man. I like having a quiver so I don't have to change picks!

  2. I too run and swim. I'm just bad at keeping a regular routine. I run for 35 - 45 minutes and push on the hills. Another thing I do during my run is to stop and do 40 deep telemark turn simulations 3 times during the run. That gets my quads and cardio too. One question I have about swimming is I see others using fins with cut off blades. What I've noticed about swimming is that your arms propell you much more than your legs. So for those using the fins, I imagine it balances things out. Is that the idea? Personally, I swim more for the arm/torso workout so skip the fins. l like sea kayaking too for the upper body. I'd like to hear from someone else after they try my tele turn thing during their run.

  3. I did that route in mid May, 1990. I recall a suspended bridge, but it was pretty much ice, so held our body weight. I thought May was a good month. It sure was an amazing place to be amongst those huge seracs! It was my first time on the mountain and the clouds kept following us as we went up. It was scary descending in a whiteout. We ended up on the top of Gibralter rock, trying to decide if we should drop off to the left or right (chute from Gibralter Ledges). We went left and ended up coming down Cadaver Gap. A very direct descent route, albeit risk of rockfall from above. I've never been up the DC so wouldn't imagine trying to find my way down it very easy having never been up it.

  4. Yeah, I know this is a climbing board, but hey, I'd rather sell to a climber first. 17', 23" beam, fiberglass, custom seat, 55 lbs, good shape, yellow top, white hull, two hatches, rudder. I paddled this boat for a week in Barkley Sound and it's a good boat for day trips too.



  5. I remember an issue of Off Belay...I saved it just because of the article about Big 4. As i remember it, the author soloed Big 4. But maybe it wasn't Off Belay but Mountain (UK). What was the mag where only a number appeared on the cover? My wife threw it out along with all my other climbing mags. I don't miss the Climbing and R&I's being gone, but wish I still had the Off Belay or whatever mag that article was in. As memory serves, he doesn't really come out and say Big 4 but refers to it as a 4,000 ft face only 1 hour drive from Seattle. Had to be it. It was agreat story and was definitely an "epic".

  6. Yes. I have used that device for solo climbing. I just clip a biner through the plastic handle and attach it to an anchor and clip the hook on a gear loop on the back of my harness. I like it cause it feeds nicely as I move up. I haven't taken anything more than a 10 foot fall so I can't attest to its strength in a real wipper. When you want to stop and add pro, you just push this little button thingy and it automatically locks off. If you use it for your dog, just don't tie it to your bumper and forget your dog's on the other end and drive off. I think Chevy Chase got arrested for doing that!


    PS: you can use it with mittens, but gloves are better. Try to get ones with leather palms, they are much better.

  7. Kevin, I lived in Utah most of the 80's. I'm assuming you're talking about ice climbing or winter alpine routes. 2 awesome winter alpine routes in LCC are se ridge of Superior (park at Snowbird and walk across road) or N. Ridge of the Pfeifferhorn (access up Red Pine Canyon) Mt Olympus is a great day out too. Best and easiest accessed ice is in Provo Canyon. Go mid week. Santaquin is great too, but further away and not necessary if you've never climbed in Provo. Great White popsicle is WI3 fun route but almost always has someone on it and not great with climbers above. Again, mid week really early or second wave. Some stuff in Big cottonwood but more obscure. PM me if you want more beta. Are you driving down. I could possibly join you.

  8. How's Rigid Designator? Vail is a place I'd like to go. Never made it while I lived in Utah. Maybe I should come since you offered a place to stay! grin.gif Anyone want to take a road trip to Utah and Colorado? Have bed in Park City at my Bro's house.

  9. Dan Larson sucks and now he has a friend? C'mon Lambone, you can do it. It's as easy as that first pitch! Click on edit (on your post) click on "image", go to the photo you want (it must be on a web server somewhere/anywhere, right click the photo, scroll to properties, click it, highlight the url address, copy it(control c) go back to the place where the image asks for the url, and click paste(control v) and then click ok. God luck!

  10. Riding the ferry home from last Pub Club, I spoke with the manager of the New Orleans in Pioneer Square. He said Tuesday would be a good day for us to come in there. They have live music later for the folks who stay later, but you can be in the other room so it's not to loud. Do you hear that girls.....dancing!! Just an idea for next downtown location. Good food and not too spendy.

  11. Here are the shots from our climb on Friday, 1-10-03. Skisports and partner climbed to our left at the same time, so I was able to take a few of them while at the belays while GregW came up.


    (Photos # 2 and #3 I stole from dane, because they look identical to what we encountered! Thanks Dan, I was to anxious to climb and forgot to get a shot of the first pitch!)









  12. Got some digital pics to post. Give me a few days. I was really surprised to see no evidence of previous ascents this year or at least since last time it snowed a bunch. Anyone else actually been up it? It is thin for the first 75-100 feet, but basically a crusty snow climb from there unless you purposely venture off route to find verglass on the exposed rock bulges. In/out access was the finest conditions I've seen. Forget snowshoes! Go get it before it snows a bunch.

  13. Shit, I have to look at Friday now. Wed is out. I think its good conditions. Lots of recent moisture and now clear and cold at night. Not that warm during the day up there. All freezes at night. N facing stuff fine. If the skiing sucks, the climbing's good! Anyone up for Friday???

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