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Everything posted by Techdiver

  1. Last minute change of plans. Anyone interested to get on this ?
  2. Heading out to climb Baker on Friday. Looking to get this done in a car to car fashion (have done it before). Light and fast is the spirit. Anyone interested is welcome to join me.
  3. Bump
  4. Well, there you have it gentleman. This is what happens when every damn rock around here has a name. I never get it right. For what it's worth- the person in 2nd pics. is standing directly bellow Ghost Dog M11 dry tool line and 1st. pic. is about 5min and 200f bellow it.
  5. We have done some "climbing" around Source Lake on 12.27. it was sketchy and pro used was purely cosmetic Source Lake line Rap Wall
  6. Hi there, I want to buy the bibs. How do I do that since you are in Portland. PayPal ? Thanks
  7. Up for sale is pair of Nomic tools used one season. $450 cash, local pickup, Issaquah-Seattle
  8. Still trying to unload this thing.
  9. Bump for price drop $550
  10. Up for grabs is brand spanking new Rab/Internal designs Latok Base tent. Never used. I have ordered me a tent and got different one. I am trying to unload it. First $ 600 gets it. It's that super breathable eVent waterproof fabric. Click the link for more info http://www.moosejaw.com/moosejaw/shop/product_Rab-Latok-Base-Tent_10192229_10208_10000001_-1_ http://us.rab.uk.com/products/equipment/shelter/latok-base.html
  11. Hi Blake. I am hoping that you have found my grigri. I was there on friday and my buddy was belaying me and instead of racking it just put it on the rock. It was on the Iron Horse route. Blue with BD locker carabiner with closing bottom and also multicolor tape. The biner is also little bit sticky.
  12. Partner found
  13. Alpine or rock(preferred), exit 32,38, index, leavenworth, Liberty Crack, Dragontail ... Must be one day deal as I'll be working on Saturday.
  14. 2 of us will be at Index tomorrow around 9:30am staying most of the day. You are welcome to join us. 425-4four4 -233one
  15. I have found Climbing helmet today in the field looking straight up from Source Lake about midway up to Flow Reversal climb.
  16. Just climbed the Flow Reversal today and it's in. Much fatter then 3 weeks ago and good to go. Ps. I have found climbing helmet on the way back and would be glad to return it to the rightful owner. edit: great news - owner found
  17. It looked like you guys where enjoying the climb. I felt better once I saw you guys where pursuing different line and where not directly bellow us receiving all that snow and ice shower we where sending down. The route we where sending had plenty of ice patches for pro and each belay was tree except the last stretch to summit. -I may also add that one 60m line is sufficient for rappel in case you can't get your hans on double ropes and don't fell like dragging the extra weight .
  18. Trip: Chair peak - Northeast Face Date: 1/26/2014 Trip Report: Just putting it out there for people not sure about current conditions. We have climbed this Northeast route last week and also today. We have started 6am and came back 3pm 2 people last week. Today we have climbed in team of three and had the same time. So if you start early you'll be home before sunset There's still plenty of ice to have fun on but won't last long so go get some! Approach: No flotation needed. The snow is firm enough and easy going. Just make sure you start early. Gear: No pickets or pins needed. I could actually place one 19cm screw today but don't count on it. Small rock gear used as well. Ps: I have accidentally dropped 16cm BD Express(blue) screw in like new condition on the route so if by some miracle someone find it I would love to have it back in exchange for beer of course. Thanks
  19. Hi Dave. I am free tomorrow till sunday night. I would prefer water/alpine ice Let me know what you have in mind.. Petr
  20. Well I don't know how to make the pics. appear on the page. Sorry
  21. We have done the Flow Reversal on 1/5/2014 and is still climbable though rather thin in places.
  22. Check out www.mountaingurus.com Dennis is a great guy and has permit to guide on Ranier. Sadly only 5% of remaining permits goes to the little guys.
  23. I just got home. I ended up hooking with someone yesterday night. I'll keep you posted for the next time. Thanks
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