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About Smoots

  • Birthday 09/29/1987


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  1. Very cool perspective on a remote peak, thanks for sharing. On a Glacier climb last July we got to see a Navy F-18 fly over the summit and a couple more follow a few ridges away. Then about an hour later when we were on the summit they came by for another lap and flew directly overhead, it couldn't have been more than a couple of hundred feet above the summit! One flew over inverted and we were looking up, right into the cockpit and cheering and pumping our ice axes in the sky.
  2. Hi Jake, I'm interested! I sent you a PM.
  3. That makes three of us! I just sent you both a PM.
  4. This post on the Cliff Mass blog gives an interesting perspective on the snowpack this year: http://cliffmass.blogspot.com/2015/01/januarys-disappearing-snowpack.html
  5. That TR is for the Easton route on Baker, not the Emmons on Rainier that was being asked for... The climbing rangers post condition status fairly regularly here: http://mountrainierconditions.blogspot.com/
  6. grandpa had just what I was looking for. Thank you, sir!
  7. My family has two foster boys, ages 5 & 8, and I would like to buy a harness or two so I can get them on a top rope at a local public climbing wall. I have been told that the movement of rock climbing would be therapeutic for them. I know it's therapeutic for me! Does anyone have a gently used kids size harness that they aren't using anymore?
  8. Climbing Mt. Sahale. Crossing the glacier on the way up to the summit pyramid.
  9. Mt. Baker and the moon.
  10. When I went up the Worm Flows route in early January I brought both, but only used the snowshoes. Conditions may be different now. I decided it was worth bringing both to prevent turning around due to unforeseen conditions.
  11. Smoots

    2012 Top 5

    Highlights of my first year of climbing: 1. Mt. Baker, Squak Glacier (BOEALPS BCC graduation climb) 2. Mt. Rainier, Emmons-Winthrop (after 1st attempting the DC) 3. Mt. Cashmere, standard one day 4. Mt. Thomson, East ridge (I need to learn trad next!) 5. Enchantments loop in a day with bikes left at Stuart Lake TH to make a complete human powered loop. All done with my brother, my favorite climbing partner.
  12. Here's a similar thread that may provide some insight: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1091342/Re_GPS_Receivers
  13. I got the Garmin 62s when it was on sale for $350 at REI this spring: http://www.rei.com/product/828798/garmin-gpsmap-62s-gps-bundle . The bundle was a good value at that price with the maps included. The 24k maps are the way to go. I didn't need a camera (the 'c' model has one) and I didn't like the idea of a touchscreen in the backcountry so I ended up with this model. Since I don't have a fancy watch, the altimeter is very useful especially on volcanoes. It's fun to download your tracks onto Google Earth when you get back and see your route as well as be able to share it with others. Battery life is great and downright amazing with lithium batteries.
  14. FYI, registration is open now.
  15. I'm interested in the shoes and chalk bag. Are you willing to ship to Seattle? Not the size my friend needs after all. The shoes and bag are still available (at a great price) and Dan is responsive and nice to work with.
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