i went up the SE corner for the first time in the middle of september- it was my first time to beacon and it was great. and no, we didnt play jenga with any flake-stacks after the traverse pitch or trundle anything or cut any webbing. two things:
1. i didn't use that webbing because it was faded and unusual- i mostly wondered...who puts little stamped medals on zip-tied anchors? the state park? the boy scouts? does it mean 1908? but seriously, I mostly thought the ziptie business just made it harder to inspect. i bet the anchor-screwers of late thought they were doing everyone a service.
2. since flake-by-flake descriptions are the norm around here, where did y'all place gear when headed for the (now loose?) horn on p3? i dont think we found any great gear until well up on the slab.