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Everything posted by leora

  1. We found a close-fitting black cap/hat in a gully next to the lower part of Monitor Ridge on 11/13/19. Would be nice to return it to the owner. leora
  2. A climbing buddy is offering a $100 reward for anyone who finds the runaway Salomon ski that got away from him on the summit of Mt. St. Helens this winter. Last seen heading straight down the ravine below Dryer glacier, going about 20 mph. He went looking for it a couple days ago and didn't find it. Coordinates are: 46.185, -122.195. leora
  3. Oh, I’m so sorry, not at all. It has those quoted phrases on it - from 2015. I sure hope that someone finds yours and posts it!!!
  4. Members 0 83 posts Report post Posted just now I found a water bottle with what looks like someone's special experience label on it, which is why I'm bothering to post it at all, in case it had sentimental value. It looks as though it says "Collides" and then "Summer Dream '15". I found it on 5/2 in the gully that leads on down to Chocolate Falls. (Seems to have been a fairly big "bootie" day. . .) leora
  5. I found a helmet with a little Mountaineer's decal on it in the gully that leads on down to Chocolate Falls. I found it on 5/2, and based on how little it had melted into the snow was probably dropped that day, or possibly the day before. leora
  6. Thanks for the great laugh. I did something similar on that side of the mountain, and was incredibly embarrassed that I mucked up a climb I'd done several times, before. I did NOT write about mine. . . I applaud you for putting it out there.
  7. Another ice axe was found on 1/10 somewhere on the south side of Mt. Hood. Missing one? It seems as though people are a bit shy of using the new climber's lost and found box in the Climber's Register room. . . leora
  8. I've been using: http://www.nwac.us/weatherdata/timberlinebase/10day/ all month long. The timberlineupper isn't working, unfortunately, so, I've been looking at what Meadows reports, as well. This data is available all year round, as far as I can tell. leora
  9. Oh, and the way we went, we needed a 60meter rope (could have used a longer one, but we made the 60 meters work).
  10. Finally getting around to thanking you for your trip report, and for the follow-on updates. We had a fantastic climb on 8/1/2015 thanks to all of the pictures, above.
  11. Thanks for doing the trip report that I was too busy to do. We and another group made the summit the day before you, and saw that a team had been to the summit the day before. Since we'd heard the same info as you from the rangers, I stopped in to let them know that it was quite doable, but the person we talked to was quite uninterested, which annoyed me. I let him know that we and others had called and couldn't get any climbing conditions information (one team cancelled due to that lack of info), so that I thought that they would actually appreciate the info. He showed slightly more interest, after that, to coddle me, I'm sure. . . One thing that I'll add is that many water sources had dried up, specifically the one at Lewis Meadows Campground, so that the only source was the silty Hoh River, which was fine if the water filter used is a Sawyer which is easily back-flusable, but sucks if all you have is a steripen or another type of filter. The water source at the Olympus Ranger Station/Campground is right behind the Ranger Station.
  12. Thanks - I did contact a couple of ranger stations, and finally got the following information from the ranger station in Red Lodge (and I wound up calling the Beartooth Mountain Guides, and the fellow I talked to was most helpful. Furthermore, our bid for the summit was successful): Because we don’t generally have rangers up that high, I rely on two of our outfitters for up-to-date info. Both outfitters have agreed to answer questions from the public, regardless of if people hire their services or not. They are probably the best people to ask because they are up on the mountain more often than we are and have the professional expertise to say if conditions are safe or not. I’d recommend calling them for current conditions. Beartooth Mountain Guides; Red Lodge: 406-446-1407 Jackson Hole Mountain Guides; Jackson, WY: 307-733-4979 --------------- leora
  13. If you have, could you give a quick run down of the conditions (and when they were like that?). We're expecting to go in via Mystic Lake and Froze to Death plateau. Any snow, anywhere, anymore? leora
  14. Thanks for the trip report, Dhamma (I love the way you report on sad circumstances - the dead battery, the crows). Can anyone give a more recent report on the conditions? We're planning on going up there in a couple of weeks, and are interested in doing the Mountaineer's route.
  15. Anyone know if the gate to the road up to Cold Springs is open?
  16. Yes, went up Wednesday and yesterday. Snow starts pretty much at the weather station. We were able to glissade from the top, so one should be able to ski from there. Just a bummer that you can't ski any farther down than about 5000. leora
  17. Thanks for the added info! I am hoping that we'll get to try that out, soonish.
  18. Yup, love that route. I'd written a trip report back in 2011. Not sure why it doesn't pop up with a search (it didn't pop up when I tried to search for it, at least!): http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1023692/TR_Mount_Hood_Steel_Cliff_s_6_#Post1023692 leora
  19. Just in case any of you Cascade Climbers happen to be climbing Denali, and happen to find my iPhone, I figured that I'd advertise the fact that I lost it. On the summit. I was just going to take a picture with it, when I discovered that I didn't have it, anymore, having had it moments before to get the time. . . I looked around at all of the obvious little landing spots around, but couldn't see it. I notified the National Park Service about the loss, and, yes, I tried the little FindMyiPhone application, but it failed to find the now frozen little electrical heap. I had also brought a camera, but many of the quick photos that I took enroute were on the iphone, so it would be really nice to get it back, even if it's in pieces. . . leora
  20. Oh, no!
  21. Did I forget to mention how much I would like it to snow?
  22. you look like the guy we saw coming up the 14a variation as described in Jeff Thomas' Oregon High, which means that you were farther south than what you are showing, here. Good job in starting that from the Lodge. Somehow, I'd suspected that you'd done a quick ascent. Steve, I can't fault him for going unroped on the Reid. It was very wide open. It felt like a late summer climb. We specifically did NOT rope up while on the Reid because we didn't want to put in pro on the glacier crossing, and wouldn't have been able to stop each other had one of us fallen. leora
  23. These are a tad bit old, but I thought that I'd post the photos that were on the latest flier and the verbiage that went along with it, just in case someone sees the dog and can give an update.
  24. There was a distressed domestic dog way up around 7800ft or so - about 1/2 mile east off the Worm Flows ridge. We followed him/her down to about 6700, and saw the dog continue on down to about 6500ft before we headed back to Worm Flows to get ourselves down. I was wondering if anyone had ideas about where to report this, other than the Skamania County Sheriff (did that)? We're hoping that the dog is just lost, and maybe found his way down after our encounter. He didn't want us to touch him. Was some sort of Shepard/sheep dog - mostly white and some black fur. And, if you're out around there, and hear a dog barking, and have time - maybe can help him out. leora
  25. FYI, I wouldn't expect that anyone will get any skiing in on the mountain. Climbed, yesterday, and it was mostly ice, even when it "warmed up". leora
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