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Adam Watts

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Everything posted by Adam Watts

  1. Because some of us guys aren't experienced enough for stuff like Liberty Ridge! One has to walk before they can run!
  2. I'm pretty good with crevasse rescue... Had to set up some z pulleys on Denali back in June. We could definitely go over it. I'm thinking I'd like to try to do a single push climb... sounds fun. Two days max. That sounds awesome. I would be down for a 2 day car to car summit climb. My schedule only works for weekdays Monday-Thursday.
  3. If you wanted to meet up some time earlier and go over some Crevasse Rescue skills before we headed over to Rainier I'd be down to climb in September. If we have several people in the climbing leaders that knew crevasse Rescue, we could probably skip that portion.
  4. I'd love to but I lack the necessary skills for Crevasse Rescue. Doing a guided climb on Baker in 2 weeks to learn glacier team skills. Have a lot of mountaineering experience but not with glaciers.
  5. I'm looking for some more climbing and Mountaineering buddies as the only consistent one I have at the moment is my girlfriend who sport climbs. A little info about me: I have been climbing for 2 years and mountaineering for a little longer. I lead climb around 5.10/5.11's. I have been taught from certified guides for single pitch sport and have got that down solid. I am taking a intro mountaineering course in 2 weeks to climb Mt. Baker and learn rope management and rope work in the mountains. Plan to take either a trad class or ice climbing course this year too. I've climbed Mt. Adams (south side) and nearly Rainier (Emmons) last year. I'm free Monday-Thursday. I would really like to have some trad, ice, Mountaineering buddies to climb with so I can actually go out with someone and use my new knowledge. I have all the gear for Mountaineering and climbing except pickets, ice screws, and a trad rack. I'd love to learn more about different style of climbing.
  6. sorry for the late reply Swedish BB, sent you a PM
  7. If it was December 13 through the 18th I could
  8. I am planning to hike up to camp Muir sometime this weekend and wanted to know what was the typical elevation that one has to reach to get above the clouds? Last week the entire hike on paradise was super foggy and visibility was at most 30 feet. I want to know because hiking in low visibility isn't that much fun.
  9. Looks like Me and Jasko are meeting up at the Sunrise Visitor center at 7am to get Climbing Permits. If anyone else wants to join our party please meet there at the same time. Weather conditions look great, should be a fantastic climb!
  10. I live 15 minutes away from Seattle, Washington. If you are here for 2 months I can request a few days off from work so we can climb one of the tall cascade volcanoes. Your pictures of Mont Blanc are impressive! My email is adamcwatts@gmail.com Your email is "xwgfx@yahoo.fr" ?
  11. Seb I would highly enjoy if you could climb with us. How long are you in Seattle for and what mountains and routes do you want to climb.
  12. I should be able to do August 20th to the 21st. Send me a PM if you can do those dates and what you want to do.
  13. is it a possibility to climb rainier at an earlier date such as the 12-14th?
  14. I'm looking for a climbing group to join to climb Rainier. I have August 12th, 13th, and 14th off. I don't have much crevasse skills but am an extremely competent at other mountaineering skills (crampons, self arrest, navigation, etc...). Hell I would be even willing to simply go out and practice and lean glacier crevasse rescue techniques.
  15. sounds like a fun climb, although it is beyond my experience. I have rock climbing and mountaineering experience but no ice climbing experience. If you go on a less technical route I'd happily come along.
  16. left a PM, check your inbox
  17. Hi I have been wanting to climb Mt. Adams around the 30th of July to 31st. I have been hiking and mountaineering for several years. Know how to properly use crampons and Self arrest + more. I have fridays and saturdays off. email is: adamcwatts@gmail.com
  18. I am interested in climbing Rainier in Mid August. I have all the gear needed for myself. Keep me updated
  19. Looking for a hiking partner that has some general mountaineering experience as I plan to go out for 2 nights to some lakes and hit up some mountains while being out there. Should have winter gear as it will be chilly this Sunday and Monday 28th-30th. I have a car hopefully you are local. Redmond, Kirkland, Issaquah, etc.
  20. I'd really like to shadow you guys to Camp Muir. I can get to Paradise myself and am in great shape but do not have the technical skills and Gear necessary to go farther up. Would love to go in a group as I mostly do solo stuff.
  21. wonderful trip. I wish I could find a group like you two who are well experienced in mountaineering. Would love to learn from you guys.
  22. I'd like to learn basics
  23. I'm interested, I have the gear and in shape. Although do lack some of the skills.
  24. Wonderful photos and trip report. I've gone there in the fall but winter certainly looks beautiful
  25. I navigate pretty well with my GPS and have done some Orienteering before. Since my friend is less experience then me with climbing I plan to do Camp Muir. Thanks for the link
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