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Jeff W

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Everything posted by Jeff W

  1. If you even try to make minor adjustments she would just tell you not to touch her knobs.
  2. Five years from now... You are required by law to have a Washington State Avalanche Education Card, and you must carry it while recreating in snow covered areas. Your Certificate of Course Completion will be recognized by enforcement officers for up to 60 consecutive days while you await receipt of your lifetime Washington Avalanche Education Card. After the expiration date, it can still be used to apply for a lifetime card, but will not allow you to legally recreate in the mountains while you await receipt of your lifetime card.
  3. Here I was, all set for a weekend of snowshoeing and XC ski at Tollgate in the Blue Mountains near Walla Walla. 6 feet of powder and temperatures in the 20s. So what happens - it hits 66 degrees and in Walla Walla on Friday, trees are blown down in the mountains and the snow turns to shit. So what does one do now to pass the time!
  4. Because the chicken believes in UFOs and a government conspiracy to hide or deny the truth of their existence.
  5. It's somewhat comforting to learn there are others with rheumatoid conditions and are coping. I can relate - after one year of pain, having to sleep sitting up most nights, and not knowing what was happening, I was diagnosed in May with rheumatoid arthritis. Since then I have been using Enbrel and have been pain free. Hate to use such a powerful drug but I suppose the benefit outweighs the risks.
  6. My 2008 mountaineering goals include climbing Mt Adams, then do a guided climb of Rainier this summer. I need to keep in mind that time passes quickly so I need to start saving and planning now. Guess that means I need to keep working a while longer...
  7. I have been wearing boots for work, hunting, hiking, and now climbing for more than thirty years, overall. It is my opinion that boot technology has advanced greatly over the years, and if you buy a quality product it should be every bit as good or better than what was available a few years ago. This seems to be the trend with all technical type gear.
  8. In September I climbed Mt. Shuksan. I did not have my own boots, had to rent some (a mistake I will never make again), and was told plastic Koflach Degre boots were the cats ass. What a mistake; after 15 miles round trip in those plastic boots my feet were totaled. I know the entire trip would have been more enjoyable with good boots. I since bought a pair of Asolo mountaineering boots that are around 4 lbs and have hiked 20 miles and they are comfortable right out of the box. Invest in a pair of good boots like the La Sportiva Trango or Asolo.
  9. The way I see it, when your number is up - your number is up. You can run a statistical analysis and arrive at apparent safer mode of climbing. However, someone is going to bite it no matter what they are doing, even driving to the trail head.
  10. I live in the Tri-Cities and have interest in alpine climbing, maybe do Mt. St. Helens this winter. I'm open to other possibilities. Although not highly experienced, I have climbed with Mountain Madness, spent lots of time in the mountains, and have good gear. Anyone else in-or-near the TC that have similar interests? Let me know.
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