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Everything posted by cms829

  1. clipper leash sold Bump!
  2. Hey guys and gals. Have one petzl clipper leash with hardwear is new condition used once. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Retails for 45 plus shipping. Asking 25 shipped OBO! Also have a pair of mint condition black diamond RIDIGD Mako crampons. Set as mono point now but all you gott do is turn the other points forward to make it a trident point. Have a pair of bionics and havent used these in years. Used them once "ice bouldering" years ago. Great shape. Asking 55 bucks shipped OBO!
  3. I love em, extremely warm and comfy. Been up Rainier and mount washington with em. and some non tech ice. and they'll be coming up denali with me in May. Im brining a pair of 40 below overboots but doubt i'll need em. I've never had mine molded. Is this something I can do in my oven? at what temp for how long? and do I just slap em on and let them mold while sitting around or should I throw on a pack and go for a walk?
  4. dibs on the ropes dependant upon condition. How old? How many falls? Dry treated?
  5. sent you a pm. thanks!
  6. Im am highly interested in the gib ledges route this winter. Im am from jersey, am properly equipped, summited this past june via DC. Obviously it is difficult for me to jump out there right when a weather window opens so careful planning and following forecasts would be my best option. If anyone is interested let me know. Maine-iac.....South side routes are accesible. The road is plowed to paradise.
  7. damn! lol...if he dosn't...i will.
  8. Just as the topic states, looking for a pair of Mountain Hardwear alchemy pants in medium.
  9. sent you a pm. Let me know.
  10. are the sale products going to be available online?
  11. As per mikes blog the DC is in fact impassable as of this past weekend. The choice route goes below the DC from the flats and up the emmons now. http://www.mountrainierclimbing.blogspot.com/
  12. Hey guys and gals...can anyone point me to the most popular routes to descend St helens and Mt hood on a snowboard this Feb. Comin to climb em and figured I might as well bring the board too. obviously weather and avy permitting at that time of year.
  13. cms829

    Soloing Rainier

    More glacier travel experience. Experience can and most of the time will keep you out of trouble. Except where the calculated risk comes in. Ie: Rock Fall, Ice fall, Weather...etc etc. An experienced climber can read a glacier far better then an unexperienced climber. therefore giving him/her an edge. One could say the same about weather...that a more experienced person can read and predict the weather better. Other then that....I dont beleive there are many skills a soloist can have over a team while traveling through crevassed terrain.
  14. cms829

    Soloing Rainier

    Climb with a partner. The route is well marked but rockfall is a serious concern as are the crevasses. There are some serious crevasses up high getting onto and off of the emmons glacier. They were open weeks ago and navigation through this section right now (from what I hear) is getting more difficult as everything opens up.
  15. sent you a pm.
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