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Everything posted by sklag

  1. What the cock is this shit? Taken directly from the big-foot forum Where this dude claimed to be "interdimensional": "LEB I am glad you asked. The term dimension is a good one, but I think it has been inadeqautely assigned it's defintition. The current defintion is purely spatial. I would call the first dimension a geometric one. Where you are in physical space. The next one would of course be time. A third is one which I believe to be purely a mental state realm, which enables telepathy, out of body experiences, a medium for just the soul. Let me also add telekineiss to the mix, I have observed rocks dropping out of the sky in slow motion during a Bigfoot contact. Lastly there is this issue of invisibility, which is a big factor. I actually have video evidence of that on video too. If you are invisible you cannot see because you do not recieve light. In order to see you must poke two holes in your shield to observe the geometric world. An observer would just see a pair of eyes, or eye like signatures. i am told that bigfoot can go to another version of reality, which they (bigfoot) call the "sometime place". Wierd huh ? This year the major research breakthru was made by a US military crypotolinguist, Scott Nelson, whom analyzed the Sierra tapes, of bigfoot chatter, using military software and found all the components of a complex language."
  2. Anybody have any experience with this bag? It looks pretty sweet, especially when coupled with my micropuff gear- could get me down to the low 20's. anywho, like I said any opinions?
  3. Up fer sale 1 stainless steel msr cookset~ 15$ 1 wiggy's ultralite 20 degree sleeping bag~ $80 *This is actually a fairly good bag, continuous filament, siliconized and laminated inner fill, mountain hardwear stole their lamina series idea from him. www.wiggys.com 1 patagonia ready mix size med- bright orange nice shape~ 80$ Prices are negotiable.
  4. Hey man, interested in the zero and the mixmaster pants.
  5. Hey would you be willing to pick one up for me? I'll pay you handsomely.
  6. So ladies and gents, I've got a dilemma about boot fitting. I've heard one finger width with the toes touching the front, one thumb width with toes in the front, and also the good old, "buy em' big so you can stuff em' up with extra socks if need be. I'm really keen on which pair of Nepal evo's I got here would be the ideal fit. What is the general consensus on boot fitting for mountaineering and some ice climbing. Are the two fits mutually exclusive of each other (ie. one will always want a snug fit for ice vs. glacier trods?)
  7. oh, I got the 40 b, because of the crampon pocket and that decreases the likelyhood of spilling the contents of down products into my crap, while maintaing the waterproofness of my new event shells. That's just my opinion though...
  8. Ok, just got the cilogear pack today... Impeccable quality. Can't wait to get out and use it some. Maybe I wished it was a tad larger, but then again, maybe that's a mindset that needs to change! If need be, the extension collar does extend pretty far.
  9. Well, the way I looked at it was this way. If the 40b is 42 liters normally stuffed, and the 45l was 45 normally stuffed, then that's a difference of 3 liters (yeah, people from the midwest can do simple math). I would be very surprised if I ever missed that 3 liters of space at all. Now I just hope all my stuff will fit.
  10. Got a cilogear 40b, it's heavier duty construction, has a crampon pocket, and can extend to 60l. I think this is good enough for 2-3 day summer alpine, what d'ya think? should I have gone with the 45l?
  11. Take on the gaiters. Holla at me
  12. good point! But I think it'd have been more core if he chewed his way through that damned rope. Just sayin'.
  13. Ok Looking for recommendations for packs, arcteryx khamsin 50 or cilogear 45 l pack? I'm using it for winter cragging in NH, Mt. washington technical ascents, general alpineness, maybe 2-3 day summer traverses of glacial terrain. Please advise
  14. sklag

    Video Training

    burning down the White House count? No, Canadian militia weren't present during the razing of Washington in the War of 1812. Sorry Mike, but if you'd like to try and prove that Canadians are dumb enough to try what the majority of america wishes would happen-then be my guest! Oh, btw, why are you guys still under colonial rule of a tiny, impotent, island with a figurehead of an old fag-hag such as Queen Elizabeth?
  15. sklag

    Video Training

    Poutine! Holy crap, that stuff looks disgusting! Sorry if I'm being ethnocentric here... french fries, cheese curds and gravy...
  16. I call shenanigans.
  17. yup, you can always cheat death, even when your hands are frozen and you've dropped yer prusiks Hence being "set down" in a pile of snow.
  18. sklag

    Video Training

    Yeah, by who? The blue jays? come on, when else did the canadians do anything spectacular-except screw up lacrosse and call it hockey.
  19. I recently read "The Beckoning Silence" by Joe Simpson and in it, he talks about the first attempt to make "Touching The Void" into a movie. The directors were insane, wanting to cast Tom Cruise as Joe, wanting to give them radios to talk to each other since they didn't know how to portray the feelings of isolation and conundrum, etc. Hollywood sucks. At least it wasn't rope tugs... That'd get confusing.
  20. sklag

    Bd Picks.

    Ok just picked up some old cobras... Need some new picks. Anybody willing to sell some cheap?
  21. sklag

    Video Training

    How about I make fun of canada... Remember how the pens won the cup that one year?
  22. On the bright side, at least he landed in a bunch of snow.
  23. This movie should make all newbs at least want to learn self rescue. It did for me. (Internal thought process)"Hmmm... Should I hang here forever, let my partner think I'm dead... or prusik back up 100 feet... Nah,I think the fall will be clean, no ledges, plus I'm a badass!" Not cool. Just learn some basic haul systems, escaping the belay, and ascending. Situation averted.
  24. got the old ones. from like the 70's and 80's. I figured that drilling in them was a bad idea, just wondering though because I've seen pics of drilled out hexes (alpinist 27) and thought about it.
  25. To make them lighter, How many is too many? Does this weaken them, and reduce their fall rating? (dumb question)
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