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Everything posted by carlhulit

  1. Bump how about $100
  2. Lightly Used (~5 Climbs) Scarpa Omega Plastic boots size 13. These are scuffed up but otherwise have minimal wear as I don't really use them. Trying to clear out gear to travel south america for a year. $125 obo I would also trade for a neo air or similar.
  3. Yes they are still available, email me at rchulit at google mail
  4. Bump for price drop $125 OBO. I am located in Seattle.
  5. Selling a lightly used (less than 10 climbs) pair of red scarpa omega climbing boots, size UK 12 (fits like a US 13). These come with moldable lines that were molded once, very warm and light. Pictures at: https://picasaweb.google.com/rchulit/StuffForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCJPB2PznppmGXw&feat=directlink
  6. Anyone have one of these? If so how is it holding up, is it as waterproof as gore-tex, how is the breathability? Im looking at buying one as they make a tall with sleeves that are long enough for me, an unmatched feat as far as I know.
  7. Dynafit Zzero 4 CF AT Boots Size 29 in very good condition, $325 OBO. I bought these to try AT and prefer to Tele.
  8. I am planning on skiing adams on saturday, with at least one other person from TAY and would be happy to have more people
  9. is the deal you found on the camps publicly available, if so could you post a link?
  10. How long are you going to be on rainier, I just did a week in iceland with my d90 and took 900 pictures on one battery, I can imagine taking enough shots to kill the battery in a rainier climb if your there to climb not to take pictures. Also turn off the review on your lcd for better battery life and so you waste less time staring at the camera.
  11. I might be interested need to look at my books to see if I can make these work or if i need a full universal
  12. tried the OR at REI and that will not cut it is the black diamond spotlight sufficiently waterproof for real rain or do I need to get a bibler or integral designs
  13. Looking to buy a bivy as rei has or alpine bivys on sale, but im 6'3" and use a long sleeping bag and worried about fit. does anyone have suggestions on what my best option is? thanks
  14. id be interested if you cool with a well behaved dog, where are you located and what timing were you thinking of?
  15. im interested do you have any idea of what mountain and when?
  16. ANyone been up on the brothers recently? hows the snow/how much and any other useful information. Planning on making an attempt on saturday barring really bad weather, any info appreciated thanks
  17. Im a relative newbie looking for alpine partners in seattle as well. I took a NOLS waddington course so ive spent a bunch of time on glaciers and am comforatble leading snow following on easy ice or rock, have a WFR and am in good shape.
  18. anyone have suggestions for places that can be easily top roped within an hour or so of seattle in the 5.7-5.8 range? thanks
  19. Im new to the area and want to get out and do something tommorow, im up for any type of climb. I am comfortable and geared for basic alpine and ice, and can climb 5.8-5.9 rock following. Im generally up for anything and just want to meet some climbers so i can get out and have fun and improve my skills
  20. I a planning a rainier attempt this spring, on the kautz cleaver route. can anyone recommend a rope or combination of ropes for this route? We will have a two man team and likely be doing a carryover to descend one of the main routes. thanks
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