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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Is that the circle were the guy gets in the middle and gets the crap beat out of him?? Been in one of those before. Scared the crap out me. Came out okay.
  2. I see that you are criticizing me. Do you need help??? Honesty. here.
  3. You should like him, he's married to a Kennedy. Wolve in sheep clothing.
  4. If anyone on this site could get a C+ at Yale I'd be amazed. Anybody on this site who could get a C+ at Yale is also wise enough to understand that W would be night manager at Dennys if it were not for legacy admission. No other reason to explain why an Ivy grad was rejected by UTexas law school (W's first failed plan to avoid Vietnam). We soon could have a president that cries at everything. http://youdecide08.foxnews.com/2008/02/04/hillary-tells-audience-shes-misty-eyed-again/
  5. If anyone on this site could get a C+ at Yale I'd be amazed.
  6. LOL Its friday hell yea, pass the booze. Forget the pass, zoo sucks.
  7. sweet jesus I want to feed you to the lions Another insecure athiest? STFU, nOOb! Nope, calling like it is. He hates me becuase of what he think I believe. I think he is a dumb ass. So you STFU self appointed king of spray.
  8. True but did you ever get drunk or stoned without your parents knowlege? Hell every parent in america would be liable for something. Being drunk and stepping on top of a tiger cage shows you how stupid they were. Every person that sets foot in a zoo has the right of protection from the animals by the zoo. I've seen kids tapping the glass at lions at the zoo. If the lion jumps out are we going to blame a 4 year old for tapping on the glass and taunting the animal? Agree - The kids were numnuts. They didn't deserve to die.
  9. sweet jesus I want to feed you to the lions Another insecure athiest?
  10. LOL he was stoned and drunk, showing off for his friends. Hell if everyone here told there worst story of something they did when drunk or stoned probably have some great stories.
  11. I'm not saying the teasing is okay. I do expect that when I buy a ticket and go to the zoo that the zoo is saying to me in no way can an animal get out and start mauling you. They knew the height of the enclosure was not up to standards. Hell next time I go to the zoo I packing heat then. When you go to the zoo there should be a .0001% chance of a dangerous animal escaping. This isn't the Movie "Into the wild" so, you want that pass and the booze or what? I kind of feel sorry for the kids. They skip a day of school get hammered and smoke a joint. Having a fun day at the zoo. They shouldn't have taunted the lion but who hasn't done something stupid when your young. The zoo is liable when an animal can jump out and start mauling people.
  12. I'm not saying the teasing is okay. I do expect that when I buy a ticket and go to the zoo that the zoo is saying to me in no way can an animal get out and start mauling you. They knew the height of the enclosure was not up to standards. Hell next time I go to the zoo I packing heat then. When you go to the zoo there should be a .0001% chance of a dangerous animal escaping. This isn't the Movie "Into the wild"
  13. The war originally I don't think was justified. At first it wasn't about slavery but about states being able to make there own choices. Slavery was a secondary issue. Had it been fought just for slavery I I would say it was justified becuase all are created equal and deserve freedom. The south had a point that each state had a right to decide for themselves their rights. So it was a struggle of state right and power of the Federal government. I think it turned out alright but the north was no better they used alot of poor Irish immigrants from the slums to fight the war. Economic slavery. Hind sight is always 20/20. I'm glad the nation stayed as one or i'd imagine there would have been alot more wars between states since. Utimately peace is the best but sometimes a war has to be fought.
  14. Hell this fighting been going long before our modern history. We could do like we did in WWII and stay out of it. But eventually when force is not met with force the fight would come to us. I think we eventually will get out of Iraq and back away from Iran and someday be dealing with a nuclear bomb in one of our major cities. Then we can blame that on the liberal idiots.
  15. Or by Stalin when he killed 20 million of his own country men. Or Hitler cleaning Germany of his enemy. Doesn't make it right.
  16. The uniting of the country was done by force. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam. I'm sure there more than one person there that doesn't feel like its united.
  17. Fact is these kids are idiots having a little adolecent fun. The Zoo as stated above is trying to avoid a huge settlement. No way should that Cat be able to jump out. What if it had been a family tapping on the glass. While they shouldn't have taunted the cat no way did it justify death. If the zoo is so worried about this behavior why don't they have cameras and a intercome system to warn people to stop or be escorted to an exit and charged. If I'm sitting as jury, the zoo is guilty of the death even if the kids taunted the animal. They knew the height was not up to what it should be.
  18. I think the difference is that this idiot managed to do all of this at once. Quite an accomplishment. With Vietnam we could walk away and it didn't really matter much. In Iraq, we've made such a mess of things that there are no good options - and it will have long lasting repercussions . Last time I checked Vietnam is still a country divided.
  19. Wii you can download all these old games for under $5 each. Some great ones.
  20. Cat just wanted some herbal Brownies.
  21. Who held the purse strings? All spending bills originate where? Let me guess, a democrat controlled congress??
  22. Democrats spend just as much if not more. They just offset it with increased taxes.
  23. do you really think it's that bad? i fail to see it as the most drastically and acutely horrendous period the US has ever suffered through because of a presidency. hell, things aren't even that "bad"! You're kidding, right? Even the Republican candidates are running from the Bush legacy. Let's see, where to start. Faking the intelligence and starting an unnecessary war, cutting taxes at the same time, allowing an average of 7% increase in domestic spending a year while the Repubs held sway, passing a Medicare bill that's a deficit hog and giveaway to the drug companies, making the US the torture leader of the free world, losing all the world good will we had after 911 and those strategic alliances, putting in political hacks instead of seasoned diplomats in charge of Iraq, dropping the ball on Afganinstan where the Taliban is on the rise, loosening the reins on financial institutions that lead to the sub-prime repackaging fiasco, illegal wire taps on US citizens, extrodinary rendition, Gitmo, generous tax breaks for corporations and the rich that have added to the deficit. The list is quite long. In short - it's been a while since we had someone so bad on all presidential fronts. Tell me what exactly has gone well under this idiot. It's going to take a long time to dig out of the mess we've made in Iraq and the finances at home. Our kids will be paying for this mess. And then there's the lost opportunities. Instead of spending $40 billion a month in the desert we could have been investing in infrastructure, education, and health care at home. If there were a true fiscal conservative and social progressive in the Republican race I'd take a serious look at them. But, for whatever reason, the Republican party has abandonded their true fiscal conservative roots with Reagan and haven't looked back since. Your kidding right, must you be refered back to ms Clinton speach on how the war was justified and Iraq was building weapons of mass destruction. Democrats were in on it too. I do agree with the Reagan abandonment. Republicans fiscal responsibility has been sucking. Hell Clinton did a better job of that. http://clinton.senate.gov/speeches/iraq_101002.html Please read the speech over and over you liberals. This is who you are voting for. LOL Reagan blew as a president. He was a fucking joke. His fiscal responsibility? He had none. His approval rating was in the toilet when he left office. The GOP has convenientely rewritten his legacy for modern consumption to keep the Koolaid flowing. The bottom line is that, since Reagan took office, GOP supported policies have one long series of train wrecks. and I bet you thought Carter before him was better LOL
  24. do you really think it's that bad? i fail to see it as the most drastically and acutely horrendous period the US has ever suffered through because of a presidency. hell, things aren't even that "bad"! You're kidding, right? Even the Republican candidates are running from the Bush legacy. Let's see, where to start. Faking the intelligence and starting an unnecessary war, cutting taxes at the same time, allowing an average of 7% increase in domestic spending a year while the Repubs held sway, passing a Medicare bill that's a deficit hog and giveaway to the drug companies, making the US the torture leader of the free world, losing all the world good will we had after 911 and those strategic alliances, putting in political hacks instead of seasoned diplomats in charge of Iraq, dropping the ball on Afganinstan where the Taliban is on the rise, loosening the reins on financial institutions that lead to the sub-prime repackaging fiasco, illegal wire taps on US citizens, extrodinary rendition, Gitmo, generous tax breaks for corporations and the rich that have added to the deficit. The list is quite long. In short - it's been a while since we had someone so bad on all presidential fronts. Tell me what exactly has gone well under this idiot. It's going to take a long time to dig out of the mess we've made in Iraq and the finances at home. Our kids will be paying for this mess. And then there's the lost opportunities. Instead of spending $40 billion a month in the desert we could have been investing in infrastructure, education, and health care at home. If there were a true fiscal conservative and social progressive in the Republican race I'd take a serious look at them. But, for whatever reason, the Republican party has abandonded their true fiscal conservative roots with Reagan and haven't looked back since. Your kidding right, must you be refered back to ms Clinton speach on how the war was justified and Iraq was building weapons of mass destruction. Democrats were in on it too. I do agree with the Reagan abandonment. Republicans fiscal responsibility has been sucking. Hell Clinton did a better job of that. http://clinton.senate.gov/speeches/iraq_101002.html Please read the speech over and over you liberals. This is who you are voting for. LOL
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