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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. One way to have fairer, more representative elections is to give voters 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. choices of candidates on the ballot. If the 1st choice loses, the vote goes to the 2nd choice. With this system, candidates favored to win have an incentive to include at least part of their politically similar competitors' agendas if they want to capture those votes. In addition, the Nader/Gore syndrome is avoided. Voters could send a message without casting a de facto vote for the other side.
  2. "Mo-mmeeeee, I E-rocked in my underpants again..."
  3. I'm sorry that she can't ultimately see the moral power that my arguments have in the western context of individual rights, but it's probably best that she also not see my posession of the kind of menacing physical power that leaves the men of our time cowering in fear, or she might be tempted to abandon one portion of the family to assume a position different from that which she has hitherto occupied.
  4. Yeah, you fuckstick! Oh, wait. I'm in the wrong thread. Sorry, man.
  5. Mo-meeee...I santorumed...
  6. Yes, but it is, uh, self evident that she meets it with mute incomprehension and no small amount of derision.
  7. This observer sees no inconsistencies in these two viewpoints. They are both true.
  8. What, you mean the Founding Fathers didn't eat injustice and shit freedom?
  9. Let's all go get a lap dance. Part-aaaaayyyyyy!
  10. "I'm just a girl who can say NO..."
  11. Holy fields of fire, batman!
  12. I am JayB. Do I look fat in this avatar?
  13. I'm well aware of the history of these struggles. I'm not sure where you're point of disagreement is, frankly.
  14. I neither implied nor stated that and you know it. Shame on you, sinner.
  15. ...after over two years of heated debate and public protest, without which we would never have had the Bill of Rights.
  16. Bit o' both, mate, bit o' both.
  17. It's too bad Strom Thurmond is dead. Over ninety and still wantin' Aunt Jamimi...
  18. Everyone needs a job.
  19. Cantwell is over 80? Shit...I've got to get her diet secrets.
  20. May he marry a rich man...
  21. "Will the Gentleman From Nebraska please shut his cake hole before I thrust a kielbasa..."
  22. A moron weighs in with yet another unsupported sound bite.
  23. I can't find the message, but I can easily smell the messenger.
  24. Thank you, Lord...for the second time today.
  25. You've captured the gist of my manifesto. If that is so, then we are all co-conspirators.
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