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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Not really your business, is it? Ahhh, the hypocrisy of our resident feminist. Please run with this one! It's a real winner for your guy! Yeah, The Incubator's judgement, which is poor, is our business, and the birth defect statement is medically right on the money. As for any statement being a 'winner for our guy', I hardly think this forum, read by about 10 people total who've already got their politics hardwired in, makes that anything other than a moron's rant.
  2. Yahoo-weh represents.
  3. Switch the "i" and "e" and re-ask the question.
  4. Hey, I went to Katholic scool and looc what it did for me.
  5. I should have hit the KittyKat in Winnemucca on the way back from Cali.
  6. John, are you indulging in Spray, now that it's the Last Day of the Universe?
  7. I'd certainly like to know why my mass is increasing.
  8. I've just published my life's work on this forum. The LHC and what it will do to us tomorrow simply confirms that I have discovered The Truth about the universe. The existence of Pink also provides supporting evidence.
  9. Like many atheists, I think about God a lot. Why do so many people buy this story about a Great Big Fuzzy Kitty Way Up In The Sky Who Loves You? Given the fucked up nature of the world and humanity, certainly most people are wrong about most things most of the time, so the popularity of an idea speaks little to its validity. Still, there remains an inherent human need to believe in something greater than us, to explain the as yet unexplained or seemingly unexplainable, and to provide a gateway to the eternal for our lot, damned as we are to such a short corporal existence. What's a theosopher to do? How does one reconcile a fucked up universe with a supposedly perfect God? Human free will? That explains asteroid impacts? I think not. Well, I've come up with a theosophy that reconciles these two ideas, but current Christian thought needs to give up just one little assumption to accomodate it, and that is the idea of divine perfection. Not only is God not perfect, he's a complete fuck up. A reject. A flunky. Last in his class. The McCain of Gods, if you will. And because our God was a reject, he was given a fucked up, junk yard universe to rule. Since then, God has been building us up just so that he can knock us down. He's a cruel, sick sumbich whose convinced his followers that they can beat cancer just so he can watch it metastizise, or believe that the world was there's for the taking, just so he could watch them hord and shit all over it, then kill each other for the leftovers. This is not a God you'd want to pray to, anymore than you'd want to pray to the wet brained psycho screaming on the corner of 1st and Yesler. Those who know what's good for them will not attempt to make eye contact with this Fellow, nevermind ask Him for something. In essense, God and Satan are actually the same Jerk. The Greeks and Romans came closest to this Truth with their myths of jealous, petty, shitty little gods who continually fucked with humans, both figurately and literally. Even the Jews, with their asshole, I'll-kill-your-whole-lineage-if-you-don't-whack-your-favorite-goat God was pretty close...then Jesus came along and put everybody on the wrong track...on purpose, of course. I hope that my new theosophy brings comfort to those who may have previously been unable to reconcile a perfect, divine diety with a pre-fucked, dive reality. Those who do find comfort in this somewhat harsher but far more believable Truth may send tax evadable donations my way so that I may spread this comfort further to those who still suffer from too much smoke being blown up their asses. Thank you. I wish I could say God Bless, but that's just not what He's really into.
  10. A liberal pines for a future that will never be. A conservative pines for a past that never was.
  11. Do evangelicals go for anal? This might help prevent future, um, inconveniently timed pregnancies...for the whole family.
  12. It's rumored that secret talks with Hugo Chavez are ongoing regarding future nationalization of the oil industry to control fuel prices and open up much of the U.S. to drilling through eminent domain. This is so cool.
  13. Precisely. I have not denounced either him or his hypothesis. Tvash on the other hand has attacked me and the theory that he thinks I support. See? If we were nicer, we could have saved a page of semantics. I'll let you start answering your own question, my little Post Grad, by defining for the rest of us, in generally excepted scientific terms, what criteria constitute being alive as opposed to not being alive. Surely you can answer this simple prerequisite question. Good luck.
  14. My wife said she saw my Audi video on some Audi Olympics website, but I couldn't find it. BEEZARRO, myan. OK, she found it and sent me the link. You've gotta love the Chinese...they'll copy anything. Scroll down a bit. China Travel Guide
  15. And AKA is right; I do look down on those who ignorantly discuss a subject about which they know virtually nothing. Alive/Not alive may not be a simple question, but dumb is dumb.
  16. By way of example, educate the scientific community on whether or not a prion, or simpler self replicating organic structures, are alive. It awaits your discoveries.
  17. You seem angry. Would you like to try and answer my question? Come back in a couple of years after you've done your homework. I did. Post-grad. Apparently not in the subjects under discussion, unless you had someone else take the classes for you, given your 6th grade level understanding of it.
  18. "What if I wanted to ban some books? How would I go about doing that?" I hear a lot of lefties want to ban the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because Mr. Clemens (that racist pig!) uses the "n word" too much. Actually, no you haven't. The book was on banned lists, but not for that reason and not by that constituency.
  19. You seem angry. Would you like to try and answer my question? Come back in a couple of years after you've done your homework.
  20. If you still separate the universe into "alive" and "not alive", as if there is some magic ON switch, and simplistic idea which was abandoned many decades ago, and you don't have a clue about sub-cellular biology, then you're too ignorant to discuss the subject with anyone. Again, educate yourself so you can speak intelligently about it. There is a reason why more than a paragraph is required to explain it, so take some personal responsibility and go out there and get 'em, tiger.
  21. Is there a "happy left"? Are you on the "happy right right wing"? What is all this talk of "change" coming from your side of the aisle? Here you and others have been vehemently defending the policies that have brought us to this point. And now McCain wants to "change" everything. Do you feel betrayed? What exactly is wrong that need to be changed? I was under the impression from you guys that everything was fine, that my ilk and I were the problem. Despite the bluster about reform and anti-corruption, I'm not hearing much about at whom these initiatives will be targeted mostly just celebrity rhetoric they've accused Obama of employing. What's the deal? Actually, FW is stating that there is an "Angry Left" and myself; two different entities, and he is correct in that a) I'm not really ever angry and b) I'm certainly not left in my politics by any stretch.
  22. Your ignorance on the subject, or any other for that matter, isn't really our problem to solve, is it? It's all out there; get off your lazy fucking ass and start reading, ya fucking federal welfare case.
  23. You've just demonstrated that you don't know jack shit about evolution...but we've been here before, Seahawk.
  24. Forcing, oh wait, 'supporting' her daughter's decision to have a child and get married at 17 just because she's running for VP. Truly one of America's HEROES. Any parent who really gave a shit about the daughter would counsel her otherwise, but hey, in a Land of Heroes, that's just one curmudgeon's opinion.
  25. The PA case focused on the required purchase and teaching form ID "science" texts and the presentation of ID as "science". As long as you throw some old bones and purple powder in the air and yell "Oooga Boooga!" before addressing ID, I think it's OK under the US Constitution. THe larger question is whether or not we should expose the tender young promise of America's future to Ivan, with or without ID.
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