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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Long shot, but... ...anybody here ever set one up?
  2. 25 million degrees of freedom
  3. You can't hug a child with nuclear arms
  4. No. Liberals usually slam those who pretend that spending 50% of the budget on warmongering and antagonizing the natives makes us strong. The nuclear option would reduce the war budget, and there'd be no natives left to worry about.
  5. Are we willing to lift ourselves up to a brighter future? [video:youtube]XvHuPoDkwF8
  6. I guarantee it!
  7. What does the Men's Warehouse guy have to do with all of this?
  8. and releases a fatal virus should the visa expire within our borders.
  9. We need to stop thinking in geographic terms and start thinking in psychological terms. N Korea IS the way to Iran...psychologically. A few pics of flattened cities, mushroom clouds, and millions of dying radiation victims would do far more than all our empty sabre rattling to move the Iranians into the fold. Pakistan and India might rethink the wisdom of their ongoing conflict as well. The rest of the world would become more...compliant. When I think of the low cost/high benefits, the option of nuking N Korea gives me the giggles.
  10. Nuking N Korea would be an instantaneous, cost effect solution. It wouldn't cost us a thing, save the very same excess nuclear inventory we're trying to figure out how to retire anyway. Our older, dirtier warheads would do the job AND retire themselves in one shot. There would be some public grumbling, but most of the world would be quietly glad we removed this thorn from everyone's side. Finally, such a strike would represent an unprecedented and effective real world test and display of our nuclear capability. I'd wager that Russia, China, Iran, and others would pay more careful attention to our needs afterwards. After the place cooled down a bit, the Chinese would take advantage of the extra lebensraum and set up a few toy factories. They'd secretly be happy, too.
  11. Just gave my 'decriminalize or legalize pot' talk to some West Seattle High seniors yesterday. One kid asked me, real slow like, if you could be arrest for just being high...twice. LOL.
  14. Ya mean we can't just swagger on in thar to kick ass 'n take names, like we did in EYE-rack?
  16. I'm only 2 miles from the border (Shilshole), so YES, YES YOU CAN!
  17. I would proudly carry my RFID card at all times under threat of detainment and random checks (within 100 miles of a US border...already legal, thank God!) to prevent some Mexican I've never met from stealing a fruit picking job from some poor teenager who's never going to apply for it. Joeseph, when are you running for President?
  18. Yes, Joseph, but I think you're thinking small. Chipping. WOrks for pets, it'll work for us. The nice thing about RFID cards, though, is that both the government and marketing firms would be able to track out physical movements. These movements could then be datamined to reveal budding terrorist plots. Plus, imagine the helpful targeted offers you could receive! Sales of speckled, candy apple green body paint and jump shocks would suffer, but still.
  19. Then why do illegals currently make up one-seventh of AZ's population? Dood, they're the only good thing about Arizona.
  20. No fucking way I'm gonna stand around and let some assclown yocal detain some guy named Garcia in my supposedly free country just because he went out for a jog, jaywalked, and didn't take his U.S. Passport with him. That is patently FUCKED UP.
  21. This is, and has been federal law since the 1980's too, Off. Most, if not all countries provide penalties for foreign visitors failing to possess identification. Um...that's why we're freer? HELLO.
  22. With Engrish like that, we're gonna need to see your papers, son.
  23. Oh boy, more people in prison. Great idea.
  24. Yup, they can hold you. For anything. Police are not empowered to detain over minor civil infractions now. That's should send just a wee bit of a chill down any libertarian's spine, I would think. Federal border enforcement in AZ has been huge. Get real.
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