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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I do want to go there. How much measurable progress have your efforts produced? I'm just referring to the topic at hand, BTW, which is...the media sucks, there are no good news outlets anymore, non-profits should not be able to make movies with a political message, and Rush Limbaugh is an asshole, as far as I can tell. What are the goals of these efforts? Reverse/prevent media consolidation? Requiring media to be fair and balanced? Prevent 3rd parties uncoordinated with any campaign from issuing a public political message? Gag non-profits who wish to issue a political message? I'm always at a loss as to how the problems with our 'media' will be corrected in manner that is even remotely constitutional.
  2. And, if not, what is the legislative reform you'd like to see happen, who's lobbying for it, and what is your personal contribution in helping to make that happen?
  3. Do you agree that a non-profit that is not coordinated with any political campaign has the right to make a film with a political message and show it within 90 days of an election?
  4. "It's the media!" = Excuse to do fuck all.
  5. Until then, you guys keep working on your master plan to shut Limbaugh up and make Fox News fair and balanced LOL.
  6. I prefer to think of my dick as more of a factorial
  7. tvashtarkatena


    healthy food has always been available if you were willing to do the work but it hasn't prevented most to eat shit. The issue is ease of access. A grunt isn't going to sort sources of news. First, he'd have to realize the pablum he is served is mostly propaganda. and ignore how they manufacture consent? Yeah, we know FAUX news is propaganda. This isn't 'news' to anyone at this point. I ignore what I can't do anything about and work on stuff I can. Plus, Fox perfect for the treadmill - it only requires about 5 active neurons to watch.
  8. tvashtarkatena


    Well, there's an election right around the corner, so there'll be ample opportunity to pour boiling oil on the marauding Kochsmoking zombie hordes. Or you can watch the fun from the comfort of your yoga mat.
  9. tvashtarkatena


    From "End the Fed" to "Restoring America" in 60 seconds. These hoopleheads will be too dumb to figure out they got played. I know. I first introduced that idea to this forum. Why? Because I'm awesome. The media is what it is and there isn't fuck all any of us can do about it. Vetting news and information is still a personal responsibility, last time I checked. It's all out there...far more accessible, varied in viewpoint, and critiqued than ever before. So STFU about 'the media' and get to work, cunties.
  10. No, no, no, Rob, you've got Nitrox all wrong. He has nothing at all against gays (he even said so, so you know it's true)...as long as they continue to STFU. It's only the uppity ones that he believes need to be punished.
  11. It's always an interesting, if brief, exercise to compare the contributions to humanity of such proclaimers with the targets of their derision. The results are invariably predictable.
  12. I don't think it's out of line at all to label the character of a woman who a) none of us has ever met, b) has spent her career serving her country nursing the wounded, and c) who was decorated twice for evacuating wounded soldiers while under fire - as a shitbag because she had consensual sex with somebody's closeted gay wife. As I'm sure you'll all agree, I know my armchair provides an infallible pulpit for issuing such proclamations.
  13. tvashtarkatena


    Media consolidation is an issue, but people choose where to get their information. All the reliable sources are still there and then some. You'd be better off picking a battle that you can actually fight.
  14. tvashtarkatena


    Let's also not forget that lobbyists can be just as effective if not more so for their expertise and long term relationships as for their money...and they're not all evil. Our lobbyist in Olympia is as poor as dirt...and won young lawyer of the year. His expertise on the issues and knowledge of individual legislators and their quirks, fears, and concerns is unparalleled. That, not money, is the key to his success. If you think your organization or grass roots movement is going to effectively change policy or legislation in any direction without a good lobbyist, you're high. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Why fly blind? The other side isn't.
  15. tvashtarkatena


    And let's not forget Ross Perot.
  16. tvashtarkatena


    Um...MLK aligned himself with and leveraged the capabilities of the political establishment and powerful organizations (the ACLU being one) to push the civil rights agenda over many years. You're dreaming if you think he just popped up with a bright idea and led the charge to victory. Hardly. His success (which was certainly not a given until near the end...he very nearly abandoned his efforts) was a result of his strategic thinking and alignments, not because of his inspiring oratory. That was memorialized as a result of his success, not the other way around. Ghandi was also a shrewd coalition builder. You apparently still believe in the Ayn Rand myth of the loan super hero. Then again, there's the shining example of Ralph Nader LOL.
  17. tvashtarkatena


    If you're expecting the fundies and regressives to go away, they won't. They can be beaten at the polls and in court, however, if you get off your ass and help make it happen. If you're looking for the 'dawning of the age of aquarius', well, take another (illegal) bong hit.
  18. tvashtarkatena


    Big victories are a series of smaller victories. I'll take my gay weed victories over sitting around worrying about the cataclysmic end of civilization as we know it...which I think is hooey, anyway. That's an old story that crops up every now and then. All humanity has to do to cope with any global problem is voluntarily depopulate, which only takes 25 years or so. The solution is always at hand...always will be.
  19. tvashtarkatena


    I present to you.... ....the teabagger movement. Technology is politically agnostic.
  20. In any case, as everyone (else) has probably already ascertained, this case is a 'major' victory for tens of thousands of uniformed folks who serve their country. It's not really about Witt at all. It never is. And sure, it has obviously pissed off the bigots amongst us, who tend to be pretty adept at self-identification. So much sweeter the victory.
  21. You have managed to get Billcoe to permanently attach his sycophantic gob onto one of your testicles, I will give you that much.
  22. Speaking of shitbags, I'm noting just a wee bit of representation of the facts on your part (see my previous statement re: opinions v facts)...not that your credibility will, or could suffer, any more than it has already. Clinton famously tried to rid the military of all sanctions based on sexual orientation as one of his first acts as president. Your bigot buddies in the Rfuck camp howled bloody murder...DADT, a compromise policy, was the fucked up result. I wish you were a better opponent. It would make for a better overall discussion. You're not.
  23. tvashtarkatena


    If you've been searching for a statement virtually everyone on the planet can agree with, you might have found it. As its practical meaning, however... Kind of like saying "air is good".
  24. My niece!
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