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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Not necessarily inappropriate for a distant long shot. Nearer term large renewable energy techs should soak up most of the funding.
  2. tvashtarkatena


    does '-shima' mean 'someday to be flattened quickly' in Japanese?
  3. It's cool, Philonius, whatever Our Little Janitor needs to puff himself up! Nothing wrong with being a janitor, amigo. ...or puffing oneself up on the internet when a young buck's insecurity strikes, apparently.
  4. tvashtarkatena

    It's on!

    What is it about utter shitbags like this that makes them think that ANYONE wants them back? Newt!
  5. LULZ!
  6. It's cool, Philonius, whatever Our Little Janitor needs to puff himself up!
  7. tvashtarkatena


  8. tvashtarkatena


    Looks like that reactor is becoming a bit of a problem.
  9. tvashtarkatena


    Uh...OK. KKK can watch for his own tsunamis. We get that. That doesn't sound crazy at all.
  10. Ah loves me sum S-Corps
  11. tvashtarkatena


    "dude. tsunami's coming. I'm gonna go down to the beach to take pictures of it!" If only the gov't regulated this activity! Actually, government provides (or not, depending on locale) the systems to detect, track, warn, and evacuate for tsunamis, as well as respond to the damage afterwards.
  12. tvashtarkatena


    who said we needed to come up with new material when the old material is more current than EVER, in my lifespan anyway? Nevermind.
  13. tvashtarkatena


    Seems like enjoying 10,000 martinis with a coterie of starlets in your Dean Martinesque pad in Malibu before a tsunami takes you and your guests out would be a fair trade off.
  14. Rather than dive down into specific base closings right away (which I can't speak to intelligently anyway from my not-so-lofty spraypit), I would look at the whole military budget pie, identify 1) An overall % reduction goal 1) the largest wedges and 2) cost of various programs like weapons systems figure out what our strategic goals are for the military (does anyone know these days?) See which expenditures don't align well with our goals(cold war weapons systems, bases in places we no longer really need them due to changes in the political landscape) Account for the consequences of such cuts on the economy/deficit/social well being in terms of increased unemployment, and go from there. Obviously a more involved exercise than this forum is appropriate for. Considering that the military has enjoyed a blank check since Reagan, I'd say there's probably HUGE amounts of mis-alignment that could be slashed.
  15. tvashtarkatena


    There is the basic principle that too much repetitious insult leads to being ignored, and being fresher and funnier communicating your points more effectively. Arguable in my case, perhaps, but at least I try to come up with new material now and then. Hey, I tried.
  16. The deficit doesn't correlate at all well with the economy; it's a political decision primarily, so that policy wouldn't make sense from a policy/financial standpoint. Also, talk about a complicating the tax code even more....let's all argue about what numbers represent how the economy is doing. Tax policy, and the goals it seeks to achieve (one of which is distribution of wealth and benefits, duh) should be longer term than that. I'm for a national balanced budget amendment eventually, BTW...once we get the deficit under control. That means slashed military spending, yo.
  17. tvashtarkatena


    I'm usually joking, but not this time. Seriously, we could all use a break, and that goes out to both and the KKKster. If you've posted it once, that's good enough, eh?
  18. Would you accept a bump up to 39%?
  19. I think gutting middle class jobs in a time of 9+% unemployment rather than taxing those with incomes north of 1/4 Mil is definitely a wiser long term policy and certainly more fair, doncha think?
  20. Um...cuz the rich don't pay enough, perhaps, as exhibited by now wildly skewed income demographics in the US? Had dinner with a rich guy last weekend that said exactly the same thing as Buffet. Intelligent response?
  21. tvashtarkatena


  22. tvashtarkatena


    Yeah, I'm with KKK, now. You're getting fucking boring, Buckoo. Find a new tune, will ya? It can't be that hard.
  23. tvashtarkatena


    never waste a crisis, ivan? i'm an atheist to be sure, but hardly a crusading one as that'd be...uh..retarded. ya'll are free to draw your own conclusions, so long as you leave me out of them Arguing against religion is like arguing for abstinence - if only we weren't human, eh? We're born and bred to believe in copious quantities of bullshit. Whether that trait still has a survival benefit these days remains to be seen.
  24. Yea, congress keeps giving themselves bigger and bigger salaries and sweeter benefits. f-ing rich f-s! That's nice. How about a comment on Mr. Buffet's contention...you know, for a little less boring repetition on your part? Just this once....
  25. tvashtarkatena


    you are a one track record. boring. Well, you know what they say: Bored = Boring.
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