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Everything posted by silence

  1. Just wanted to remind anyone who might be interested .. tomorrow ... in Bend and Bellingham Central Oregon Avalanche Association (COAA) benefit, McMenamins Old St Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. Doors open at 8:30pm; show starts at 9pm. $8 advance and $10 at the door. Raffle and beer. WWU's Fraser Hall 4, 516 High St, Bellingham. The show starts at 7:00 PM. Admission is free. Kyle will be there.
  2. Thanks for posting this! Here's a little more info about the event: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/172329856203990 Advance tickets available at Brown Paper Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/225893 Unfortunately Kyle won't be able to attend the screening in Bend ... but he will be in Bellingham on the same night ... Thurs, Feb 23. We're sharing the stage again with Wyoming Triumph at WWU's Fraser Hall 4, 516 High Street. The show starts at 7:00 PM. Admission is free. Kathy ~ Crest Pictures
  3. very cool trip john .. neat pix .. congrats on all the summits and happy 40th! if steel is just a scramble then why the rap? just wondering .. cause it looks like a neat way to get over to marmot
  4. it looks devoid of people .. is that a fact or just an illusion?
  5. nothing seems to slow you down .. whether it's the high altitude of the sierras or the incredible steeps of the nc .. you just keep kicking ass sir and yes .. gorgeous and awe-inspiring ..thx for the beautiful collection of photos ..
  6. the word awesome just doesn't seem to cover it ... you keep blowing me away .. killer scenery too .. btw .. i finally made the connection that you are the same guy who passed us on the trail as we were heading up when you did olympus in a day ..
  7. yeah .. gorgeous .. congrats on the summit! it's been a tuff year on the mountain ..
  8. sweet .. nice work .. looks beautiful up there ...
  9. how about some kind of trail report .. like your approach and conditions on it .. anyhow great pix .. congrats on the climb
  10. alpine: dale belaying on the summit of mt olympus, onp
  11. i've been trying and trying to post another photo using the file manager following the instructions .. but it won't upload (and there's no error message) -- it takes the file but just won't upload it so you can view it .. anyhow plez help
  12. skiing/boarding: splitboarder topping out on the fly couloir, lane peak, mrnp scenic: morning glow on mt ritter and banner peak, minarets, sierra nevada
  13. some folks have indicated that perhaps this might have an opposite effect in dc .. that public opinion (writing letters of support) might influence the nps management in a negative way .. so while i was prompted to do this by a close friend of mikes .. i think i should contact him directly to get his take on it .. so this is what i'm doing ... plez hold off on writing to these people till i hear back from mike
  14. since superintendent dave uberuaga announced he'll be leaving mount rainier np to become superintendent at grand canyon np .. the position is open .. and who better suited for the position than mike gauthier .. who is now assist supt at yosemite .. i think if we want a real people's park we should start a letter writing campaign requesting mike for the job .. i'm guessing these 2 would be the right people to contact: Jon Jarvis, Director National Park Service 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 202-208-3818 / Jon_Jarvis@nps.gov Pacific West Region Christine Lehnertz, Regional Director National Park Service One Jackson Center 1111 Jackson Street, Suite 700 Oakland, CA 94607 510-817-1304 / Chris_Lehnertz@nps.gov someone asked me what's so special about this guy .. my answer: he was the head climbing ranger on rainier for many years (though he is still very young relatively speaking) so he knows the mountain and the park more than any incoming supt ever could .. he has recently worked in washington dc boning up on the administrative stuff .. he is now the assist supt at yosemite -- not exactly a cushy position .. he's a really nice guy .. and imo and others .. he will give the park back to the people .. meaning i expect he will streamline the permit system which is ridicuously redundant ..and make it so we, the people, can really enjoy the park to its fullest ... w/o a lot of hassle imo i think his appointment would be precedent-setting .. and progressive-minded .. we need new ideas and new blood .. and what better place than in the great pnw
  15. I'm not sure where exactly to post this .. Washington, Utah or Arizona? ... originally the plan was to include most of the jumps in the PNW since that's where we're all from, but mother nature didn't cooperate ... and we had a deadline. So, most are in Moab, with some stuff in Eastern Washington and a few earlier shots from helmet cams filmed in Arizona. We are Crest Pictures, local filmmakers, who just by luck witnessed local climber and jumper Tom Dancs after he did an amazing gig in the Cascades. It was short, but sweet (almost too short imo – after climbing a steep icy couloir and then a thin rock spire, he had to set a static line to pull his chute so it would open the moment he jumped – that's cutting it close) -- he was in the air only seconds ... and we just by good fortune happened to look up and see this guy flying in the middle of nowhere and then disappear. Anyhow, totally intrigued by wilderness BASE after watching and talking with Tom (he showed up in our camp afterwards) ... we thought ... wow we want to make a film about this. So, we asked him if he'd be interested, and he said sure. But, he also insisted that it had to be something different from most BASE films out there ... it had to be more about the Zen of the sport ... and the logistics involved (this is what really motivates him), and the ongoing efforts towards getting BASE permitted back into the National Park system and other wilderness areas. A worthy message we felt ... and since we are basically nature filmmakers it was right up our alley. Anyhow, long story short, we set to work almost immediately, and followed him around with cameras while he climbed cliffs and such, explained what all goes into the sport, and did some awesome jumps. Originally, we used music by Joe Satriani, but the rights were limited to strictly film festival use. That being over now ... we recently set it to new tunes and have been able to post it to the Internet for more to see. Thought some of you might enjoy watching it – the title is Right Here, Right Now (it's about about 17 minutes long): http://vimeo.com/channels/crestpictures#18336864 Here's some stills I took of our Moab shoot too: http://www.flickr.com/photos/33792231@N00/sets/72157610363059694/detail BTW .. Tom is a skilled climber, backcountry skier, sky diver and BASE jumper .. he has guided professionally for American Alpine Institute and Mountain Madness. While on location we had the good fortune to receive a few climbing lessons from him. He's now a good friend, too.
  16. yikes .. that's some pretty bad ass stuff .. way to go
  17. awesome effort .. amazing stuff .. way to get er done .. great pix and tr too
  18. i applaud your effort .. well done .. but i also sense a bit of smugness in your tr towards those of us who can't do it your way .. or maybe i'm just jealous of your young legs? .. in any case great beta and pix .. nice work
  19. thx for the tr .. i've often wondered about those chutes in spring .. way to get up there ... great pix
  20. exciting stuff .... great pix and tr from both of you
  21. hey .. we had the same idea ... for the same days .. but we switched at the last minute .. imagine our surprise had we run into some people up there ... anyhow thx for the eye candy .. the shrooms look yummy
  22. some pix fm the elwha basin taken this past weekend .. may be helpful .. but if it was ez it would have been done .. fm the other side on the skyline it looks pretty dicey -- sorry no pix of that mts seattle and noyes [img:left]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3453/3846457538_5be2603878.jpg[/img] m [img:center]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3451/3845668061_05c92eb11b.jpg[/img]
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