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Posts posted by Johnny_Tuff

  1. I find that doing something that makes me work way hard to be fit helps me avoid eating shite food. I'm pretty skinny anyway, but after coming home from kung fu all drenched in sweat and feeling like I'm gonna puke from whatever conditioning drills, I feel like I'm squandering all the effort if I go and pound half a pint of Ben & Jerry's, or get fries with my burger or whatever.


    Food (ha ha) for thought. cheeburga_ron.gifHCL.gifbigdrink.gif

  2. Advanced psychological studies say:


    If you got a dividend from REI you have either latent or overt homosexual tendencies. wave.gif


    But when you slept with me, you said it was OK, it didn't mean I was gay! But now I find out that since I shop at REI, I, I, I... shocked.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gif

  3. Ah, my friend, that would be the infinitely-stronger-than-you-or-me phenomenon known as Ben Moon.


    Whatever, though. Don't get psyched, see if I care. mad.gif I hope your obstinate lack of stoke causes you not to send, assclown. the_finger.gif

  4. We've got a great Citi dividend card. 5% back at grocery stores, gas stations, and drug stores, $350 maximum dividend per year. As soon as you accumulate over $50, you just ask them to send you a check. Handy online payments, too.


    Fuck, I sound like a shill for CitiBank, but it is a good card. yellaf.gif

  5. I'm wondering what kind of fallout there will be from this Katrina warning video. How much more fucking incompetent can this imbecile be demonstrated to be? Here he is, caught in ANOTHER substantial lie related to an event with nationwide implications, and for some reason, no one is dragging him out on the White House lawn to be flogged.


    What a sham.

  6. Whoopee. I gotta buy $20,000 worth o' crap to get a $200 anything.


    Take your REI Visa back to REI HQ and tear it apart with your bare hands! I hear they're made of recycled BD helmets.


    "This little rectangular piece of shit is worthless! I demand a higher rate of return, and a new helmet!"

  7. Yeah, but next weekend will be the shizzle, no drizzle. Getcher proj on!


    "This pumping line opened the gully to climbers who previously walked by in search of better rock. Today, it's the most climbed route on the wall. After a thuggish pull over the roof, a strenuous series of cranks from jug to jug bring you to the anchors."


    Rrrrroooowwwwwrrrrr... boxing_smiley.gif

  8. Goatse.cx (variably pronounced "goat see," "goat seh," "goats," "goatsex," "goat say", or "goat see dot cx", and often truncated to goatse) was one of the most infamous Internet shock sites and well-known Internet memes. Its front page contained a sexually explicit picture, hello.jpg, featuring a man wearing a gold ring on his left hand (and nothing else) manually stretching his anus and rectum to a diameter roughly equal to the width of his hand. Below his anus, the man's dangling penis and testicles were visible. The site was commonly linked to by Internet trolls in order to shock unsuspecting users with the image.



    Made you look.


    Made me claw my eyes out.




    Always fun to put that in "helpful" links.


    "Oh, you should check out this great information on crevasse self-rescue! I found it to be quite informative and well-illustrated!"



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