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Posts posted by Johnny_Tuff

  1. Ah, I'm sorry "Tuff," did I deflate your little metaphoric hard-on? cry.gif




    On the contrary, my good man; you've been traipsing around with gobs of my metaphorical load dripping from your brow and acting like it's hair gel, while I simply chuckle at your naivete.


    Deflate the metaphorical hard-on...please! I've got the verbal Viagra, bring the spunk like Niagara. Word is bond!

  2. I was using descriptive language to make the point that our boy Ken4four(Fore!)d was on a slippery slope to flatlandering with that blissfully progress-ignorant attitude of his. Get it?


    Getting all literary again. Maybe you need to easy off the smoke. yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif




    Maybe I'm not as clever as Dr. Flash Amazing, but it was still apparently too deep for Justin Timberlake there. rolleyes.gif

  3. wondering why the birds bother flapping around at such silly altitudes.


    What thread are you reading dude? This route is 50 feet high and 300 yards away from a village. wazzup.gif This is like comparing a half-pipe competition to snowboard descents in the Himalayas. Keep smokin' bro!


    I was using descriptive language to make the point that our boy Ken4four(Fore!)d was on a slippery slope to flatlandering with that blissfully progress-ignorant attitude of his. Get it?


    And while you're wondering what thread I'm reading, I can't help but notice that, although it has twice been pointed out that the route in question is 80 feet high, you seem to think that it is 50 feet high. IDIOT! hahaha.gif Also, no one compared this route to anything Himalayan; you made that part up. So I suppose you might also be a good recipient of your own comment "keep smokin', bro!"


    wazzup.gif yerself

  4. Oh, dear God! Not grade inflation at the 5.2 to 5.9 level! shocked.gif What happens when some poor noob thinks they can handle 5.4, only to be shut down on some more honestly-graded 5.3? This must be stopped. STOPPED, I SAY! hellno3d.gif


    Meanwhile, many sport route grades are getting compressed, robbing many of us of the coveted numbers we thirst for. The Quickening is .12c, Monkey Boy is .12b, Rude Boys is .13a/b...how are you supposed to spray up your resume, or even keep up your motivation to project shit if all the goods keep getting devalued?! This is a serious matter. Grade inflation is good for the ego; grade compression kills.

  5. Yep exactly, that is what I think. Hell I don't think anybody will go up either of the new routes that I done recently. I am just out there having a good time. Hopefully Dave is out there having a good time too.


    The thing that I think is funny all this worship shit....yeah there is always going to be someday out there one uping the standard, that is cool, but not that interesting.


    I rejoice in anticipation of the day when we all have the attitude that progress is boring, and we can set about the business of regressing to walking on flat ground and staring dumbly at the vertical heights, wondering why the birds bother flapping around at such silly altitudes.


    Although, I suppose I should be thankful for uninspired persons such as yourself, as they give us underachieving afficionados-of-inconceivable-accomplishments someone to be better than at rock climbing. And isn't that the point of rock climbing, after all?

  6. Target is now claiming it was their fault for not letting Mr. Allen know that he couldn't do that. They apologize profusely for causing him embarresment and grief.


    Their lawyer must be that same guy that Cheney shot last month.


    He'll probably come up with some kind of ploy to save face, then.

  7. yo mama so big she buys mattresses made by Kotex.


    How do you know your pet elephant is having her period?


    When there's a quarter on your dresser and your mattress is missing!



  8. Same here. Everything I've ever put out has disappeared, sometimes before the 'free' sign is on it.


    Let me guess. You're the one responsible for the dismembered Star Wars action figures that show up on my mantelpiece. Soooo annoying; you have no idea. mad.gif

  9. I have a disappearing place near my house, a magic curb.


    Anything I put there is gone within 24 hours! Amazing!


    I don't have to drive to those pesky donation site, with their "is your junk good enough?" looks. Nope! I got a Magic Curb!


    This explains the fairly constant stream of rusted-out appliances, old tires, unspeakably stained mattresses, and broken beer bottles that keeps materializing in my living room. Would it kill you to leave 20 bucks or a ham sandwich there once in a while? Shit, man.

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