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About farflung

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


  • Occupation
    Off-route Cairn Builder

farflung's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Or East ridge AND south ridge . . . makes for about 8 pitches of fun climbing under 5.7
  2. Awesome! Nice to see more trad routes at 38. Thanks for your hard work.
  3. Nice photos and congratulations. Always nice to be high on mountain while the rest of western washington languishes below the clouds!
  4. That's roughly a 40 mile, 8,000 foot day. Burly. It's been done though: http://www.wwwright.com/climbing/speed/2004/06/buzz-burrell-climbs-mt-olympus-in-16.html
  5. Nice job! I've been thinking about doing the exact same thing with my 8 year old this summer. Maybe I'll bite the bullet though and haul up a 60m.
  6. Love the time lapse. What camera did you use for that?
  7. Thanks for your hard work guys. Can't wait to get out there!
  8. Anyone want to hit vantage this wednesday? Moderate trad or sport, I have rack and rope and could meet in Auburn or North Bend for the drive over.
  9. Stop by Erie Saturday for the Dallas Kloke memorial clean/climb. We're meeeting at 9 to start cleaning and trail work, then climbing in the afternoon.
  10. Welcome to the area Jim. I'll keep you in mind for upcoming trips. I'm also at Edgeworks a couple times a week if you want to do any rainy day plastic pulling. Jason
  11. As others have said, take a course or two. You might be able to scrape together the same skills from a variety of partners over several months (or years) but taking a course is a great way to get the basics and start out with good habits. +1 for the AAI course--they are not cheap but they are awesome. My .02
  12. April 21 will the 2nd annual Dallas Kloke work and climb day starting at 9am.
  13. I have a black diamond whiz kid that has worked well for my kids as early as age 4. I think it will fit them for years to come. Ditto on the figure-8 chest loop.
  14. Sounds like we have similar schedules. Pm sent
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