yeah, my regular climbing partner is busy this weekend, so i am actually now planning on hopefully going up with another friend who doesnt have glacier experience either. we went up to muir in a white out last weekend, thats the most he has done. One problem is that I am short on gear for glaciers. I have an ax, crampons, picket, harness, prussiks, a bit of webbing and a few carribeaners and a helmet. my friend will rent crampons and we will get him a helmet, ax and possibly a picket and prussiks. we currently dont have a rope or harness and may need a couple other little things. if you are able to provide these, then we would be quite glad to do mazama. i hear its much more interesting than south spur. we might possibly get a harness for him. do you know if anywhere in seattle rents harnesses? for liability sake, probably not. anyways, saturday/sunday works for me, and might work for my friend. I will check with him and get back to you. my email address is