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About whidbey

  • Birthday 06/21/1965


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    Yo Mamma

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  1. whidbey


    I will crawl back into my shell after this post..... turtle pose
  2. Scott..... done deal... I'll keep ya posted.
  3. rigid friends.... What sizes... please pm me or whatever and if the are fingers and above I will be a player.
  4. My cell is 360xxxxxxx320xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4021 if anyone has the time.
  5. I have the day off and would like to get out on the rock. Some sport climbing would be fine with me. If your looking for a partner let me know. I live close to Erie and could go just about anytime tomorrow... Weather is looking good.
  6. Now this is using your head when riding to work.... check this out... lucky lucky.. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/05/15/mangled.helmet.ap/index.html
  7. I was thinking how much fun it would be to go through one of those while I'm Scuba Diving under the Deception Pass bridge. This is one of the proposed sites. Might get interesting. It would suck if it ruined that site for diving.
  8. This shit is funny... either I'm the luckiest fuc#er on the planet or just lucky.... I have lived in this state all my life and have climbed/hiked and been just about everwhere I can think of and never had a tick on my ball sack or other. I don't shave much and have 8 hairs on my chest.... I never thought that would be something I'd be proud of .. These little fuc$ers do really suck though. I feel for the very hairy of our group.....
  9. one piece of duct tape over each spot before you hike... should be golden.... or you can use those fancy bandaid/blistery things... Before... not after.
  10. whidbey

    fake climbing

    if i could i wood............ .... gotta love seattle bands...
  11. vw4ever............ shit........ you also.
  12. Roger is a gear whore and I love him for it.... Get to bust his ass when ever we get together since all his shit is new.... Just joking Roger!... Both oly and roger have a point... nice poons.
  13. bump it............... damn.. Lets do some sport/trad or whatever. If trad... you bring the rack. Come on fellow climbers..... Lets get out on the rock................................. please.
  14. Weather is supposed to be good this Sunday. Give me a call if your interested. Nothing to hard. Powerline wall or whatever. Have rope. I'm 20 minutes from Erie so I might be game even if you give me a shout on Sunday Morning. Number is 360$320%4021. Thanx, Gordon
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