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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. Jeez, who would have thought a bottle of chardonnay could trigger such inane posts.
  2. True. Either everyone's gone to bed or to the bar. Guess I'll go to bed.
  3. I have a Hello Kitty avatar.
  4. I drink a bottle of wine and I can't type in my goddamn password. drunk me -> <- "other" me
  5. You can't eat Hello Kitty. It's against international law! Especially when she's sittin' on de toilette.
  6. Good deal! I've got a couple of interested folk, so hope to make it out on the weekend. We saw a baby rattlesnake at Vantage last weekend. Cute little bugger.
  7. This is confidential information, which cannot be revealed at this time.
  8. I love that about him. Way cool.
  9. knotzen


    dumbasses! Hey, they're right! Art does imitate life.
  10. An online beer review site. A Tecate? Tecate I am unequivocally terrified after my first sip of Tecate. It tastes like water. It was made in Mexico. I am waiting for a puddle of warm shit to form in my pants at any moment. But surprisingly, there is no mess. Instead, it's just your relatively harmless, run-of-the mill, watery beer. Rating: Mexican. Or maybe a Stella? Stella Artois Even though I have no idea where Belgium is, they brew a fine beer. I imagine this so-called Belgium being a magical place where the waterfalls flow this fantastic beverage and topless blonde ladies dance in wooden shoes to some sort of flute music. If I have one more Stella Artois, I may have to go have sex with a soft melon immediately or I won't ever be able to get to sleep tonight. Rating: Boner.
  11. Word of the day: de-zombiefication
  12. knotzen


    Hi guys, I'm a girlie!
  13. The first--and only--time I've ridden a mountain bike with a full overnight pack was on the Westside Road. I hated it! But it was pretty cool out there.
  14. Hunt. For that lost shaker of salt? That bottle of Valium?
  15. But it isn't cheap if you just want to drive up to Paradise and look around, take pictures, go on a mile loop hike to look at flowers. I'd like to see our public lands a little more affordable to the whole spectrum of American society. Ostensibly, the lands belong *to* the American people, and are being managed by the park service, USFS, etc., on our behalf. It used to be parks were places everyone could go, for free. We're becoming accustomed to pay to access any park (even Marymoor, for christ's sake--unless you're close enough to walk, ride, or parachute in), and the entry fees keep climbing. I know, I know--budget cuts and all of that. Still...it's where you choose to spend your money (hint: Ireq). Hey, hey, a non-inane post. How's about that?
  16. Dechristo, nice to see you spraying. You've been playing hooky (not hocky).
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