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Everything posted by prole

  1. "Hey America, don't make the same mistake Perry did! It's a lot easier when the three things you have to remember are the same thing, 9-9-9!!!"
  2. How are things in your neck of the (back)woods? [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6an4zSj8LhU&feature=player_embedded
  3. Pendulums are a bitch.
  4. prole


    Just leave things the way they are. Keep the state in the liquor business. What's it hurting? Who cares? Where's the spilt milk?
  5. More good news...
  6. This one's for you, G-Spotter.
  7. prole

    Ole Miss

  8. The one near Sunset and LaBrea. Your mom likes the meat here after she's tipped back a half dozen airplane bottles or so of Malibu.
  9. And how much time have you been spending in downtown LA, Prole? A fair bit, as a matter of fact.
  10. I'm sorry you can't follow along. Just go play with your genitals for awhile.
  11. To me, the issue here is that demagoguery is filling the vacuum left by the New Democrats' devastatingly failed consensus with neoliberal policy. Those "low-information voters" got that way because they've been left to twist in the wind of disinvestment, unplanned globalization and the like. The draw isn't demagoguery per se, it's a cohesive narrative that seems to hold together for people trying to make sense of their circumstances. The enduring failure of Obama's presidency (if you read him as an earnest but stymied reformer) is the inability to craft a strong narrative that not only draws on the real and enduring successes of labor, civil rights, New Deal movements and call into question the failed policies of his predecessors in his own party (hello Glass-Stegall, hello Greenspan, hello NAFTA). People are still looking for an "outsider", and apparently can't stoop low enough to find one, because the one who said he was going to make a real systemic break with the past has done no such thing in terms of policy or rhetoric.
  12. That's what I'm saying, she sucks. She might have nailed it as performance, but that doesn't mean it isn't useful or can't cause damage to the process, promote cynicism, etc.
  13. But I don't think anyone, in their wildest dreams, could've expected it to be so successful.
  14. Uh, yes.
  15. Gotta love how the self-styled Minuteman, the armed defender and the "first line of defense in the protection of our freedoms" in all the weeks of police abuse, thousands of arrests, hundreds of unlawful detentions, constant low-intensity warfare, and daily infringements of the rights to speech, assembly, and due process finally decides to weigh in about a fucking hot-dog cart getting tipped over. You are a clown.
  16. Run and hide in your little bunker, Bill. With your gold and coffee futures. We'll stay out here and keep working on shit for you.
  17. Apparently you haven't spent much time in downtown LA. Desperate times, shit happens.
  18. I apologize in advance for Rachael Maddow, can't stand her. But she nails it. Punk'd by the Kochs... [video:youtube]
  19. Cabinet selection process would be interesting. "You do want the job, don't you?"
  20. Guess you libtards "won" that argument! You convinced us all! Good job! Nope, you "lost" that one all by yourselves:
  21. The politics of personal self-destruction.
  22. Oh c'mon, don't think someone of Herman Cain's background and, ahem...proclivities hadn't thought of it first.
  23. Alfredo!
  24. From the looks of it, the National Restaurant Association resembles nothing less than Sodom, Gomorrah, and the last days of Caligula's reign all rolled into one.
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