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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. Listen KKK you get what you pay for. You system is falling to fucking pieces round your ears whether or not you want to believe it. Big business runs your life makes all the big decisions for you and you have no fucking say at all. No matter how you vote down there you are always voting for someone who is looking out for the rich. It is no wonder that the ever growing mass of poor and desperate are looting every chance they get. Pull your head out of your ass and admit that you are drowning in a sea of corruption no less than the worst banana republic you care to name. You sound like a bright guy but to me it seems you must have been toilet trained at gun point Muster up a little compassion and take a big deep breath and go meet a few of homeless people in your area listen to their stories and then formulate some new ideas. Jesus!! With your kind of thinking you guys haven't got a chance.


    *yawn* get a new line Chicken Little.



  2. Listen KKK you get what you pay for. You system is falling to fucking pieces round your ears whether or not you want to believe it. Big business runs your life makes all the big decisions for you and you have no fucking say at all. No matter how you vote down there you are always voting for someone who is looking out for the rich. It is no wonder that the ever growing mass of poor and desperate are looting every chance they get. Pull your head out of your ass and admit that you are drowning in a sea of corruption no less than the worst banana republic you care to name. You sound like a bright guy but to me it seems you must have been toilet trained at gun point Muster up a little compassion and take a big deep breath and go meet a few of homeless people in your area listen to their stories and then formulate some new ideas. Jesus!! With your kind of thinking you guys haven't got a chance.

  3. The surest way to eliminate a socialist regime is to give it free reign to implement its agenda. The ensuing missallocation of productive assets that results from attempting to coordinate supply and demand by central committee will inevitably result in a massive depletion of capital and ultimately the complete implosion of the entire economy. Neither economic theory nor experience allow for any other outcome.



    Blah fucking blah blah. China now finances the United States government.




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