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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. The one paragraph explanation:


    It appears that amino acids, especially asparagine, reacts with glucose in the starch under high heat to product acrylamide, which is in turn metabolized by the body to glycidamide. Glycidamide reacts with DNA causing mutations, which lead to rumors.


    I heard this was true...

  2. If he gets what he wants... dickhead. You will not have a place to climb. I don't need to be brain dead to be a stupid as you. In the future you can enjoy your suck ass air and the end of everything that is what america is all about.


    More hyperbole and hand-wringing... And who cares what a shit-for-brains Canuck thinks anyway. the_finger.gif


    Not worthy of a reply... the_finger.gifyelrotflmao.gifrockband.gif

  3. Drinking a driving is a fuck up no ifs and or buts,

    I fell alseep at the wheel going 70 mph after driving from San Fran to Tswassen ferry, after a poor sleep in my old style Bronco I continued up island and fell asleep, crossed the white line, went off a 15 foot bank, sailing through the air and landing nose first, flipped upside down and backwards clipping off a telephone pole sized fir tree at about ten feet in the air with the roof, just behind the passenger side of the truck. We then spun around again landing on the roof. I had a full rollcage in the vehicle and it saved the lives of my best friend and my dog not to mention my own. The truck was so far in the bush that we couldn't find it the next day for about an hour, There was nothing salvagable from that thing. Injuries were minor cuts and incredible aches for two days after. I could not even get in a vehicle for 6 months I felt so guilty for nearly killing my friend. It took me a year to drive again. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to have hurt someone like that but suicide comes to mind. I was golden that day and have since lived through other large crashes and been close to some very serious logging accidents but that episode really sticks with me even 25 years later.

    Every one makes mistakes I think it is luck that stops mistakes from becoming tragedy.

  4. That is a drag, If it was a while ago you could perhaps give it a try. Our shithead of a premiere got nailed driving around maui pissed a newt and nothing happened to him. You could always tunnel your way over.

  5. I believe that Clinton was a rhodes scholar was he not?

    Are you trying to say that Gdub got some booklurnin' somewhere legitimately? My red ass he did, On 9/11 he wasn't visiting that school he was ATTENDING it, for christs sake, that's why it took so long for him to respond- he had to wait till recess!

  6. George Idi Amin Bush. You guys have got yourself one big fuck up. I just knew that if I tried I would find poeple down there that still know the meaning of freedom and democracy, How do you fight bastards like this and not get hauled away to Gitmo or locked up somewhere on some trumped up charge.

    Are you guys afraid at all? I'm being serious right now.

    Do you think that forums all over may be watched somehow and that the things you say could get you in trouble?

  7. We have had an invasion of fucking eastern grey squirrels here on Van Isle and they effectively wipe out the native red squirrels which are much more acceptable as they are smaller and much less rat like in demeanour. These grey mothers eat songbird eggs and kill baby red squirrels. I have seen them walking on power lines from one pole to the next then climb along the service wires to a house and onto the roof and into some unsuspecting citizen's abode. My 82 year old mother had one at her house and it created havoc, finally one day she called me , quite thrilled that a bald eagle had come and snatched it from a tree, right in front of her. This lady has black bears in her yard sometimes, and thinks nothing of it, but when that squirrel bastard showed up she wanted to call the police.

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