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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. I had them open up a 5 gallon plastic can, take a box of wine out knaw through the bottom and drink the wine, bloody drunks!


    You would think a racoon would know better than to drink boxed wine


    Perhaps they were drunk when they killed my ducks

  2. I have had them actually twist off the lid on peanut butter scrape the peanut butter out with their paws. They unwrapped kraft sliced cheese and left the wrappers in a neat little pile on the ground.

  3. Its raining and blowing a gale here now and I have next week off to go climb in Strathcona park where I expect it will rain as well. We shall see!! My alternate plan was to drive down to through Rainier down and maybe down to Hood River area. PBR sounds good!!

  4. We start at 20 paid days off then after five years we add ond day per year to thirty years, when you reach the twenty fifth year yau are entitled to and extra five days off on that year when you hit thirty years you are entitled to and additional 10 days for that year when youy hit 35 years you are entitled to and additional 15 days for that year. The same at fourty and at fourty five years, I have never seen anyone with fourty years seniority but there are some with thirty. We also receive sick pay and compassionate leave maturnity leave special leave educational leave and a few others. A lot of companies here also offer the same sort of benefits.

  5. Don't let their cute looks fool you, those rasty little bastards are responsible for the deaths of many of my Indian Runner ducks, They rip out the guts and brains and leave the bodies laying in the bushes, they even killed a momma duck on her nest as she fought to save her family.

  6. Similar to the barbarians who designed the metal bar in the forest service toilets that is a micron too wide for the rolls of toilet paper, creating a desperate struggle to acquire a mere sheet.


    I always carry small bills in my wallet, nothing bigger than a fiver.

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